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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Today—with our livelihoods thoroughly intertwined with the latest technology—digital connections are becoming more important than ever. This transition will no doubt accelerate going forward. For the past 37 years, IAR Systems has strategically ridden, strengthened, and transformed this wave change with their foresight and execution. SCCJ spoke with IAR Systems K.K. Representative Director Kiyofumi Uemura and Sales Account Manager Yoshiyuki Matsumoto at their office in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, to learn about the company’s operations and the market’s future.


IAR Systems was founded in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1983 by engineer Anders Rundgren. It is one of the world’s most renowned suppliers of programming tools for embedded systems. They support over 46,000 companies worldwide develop a wide range of digital products. The company’s biggest clients operate in the industrial automation, medical technology, telecommunications, consumer electronics and automotive industries. Their main product is the software development tool IAR Embedded Workbench which supports a variety of microcontroller architectures such as Arm, Renesas, MSP430, and RISC-V.


The company group, IAR Systems Group AB, is publicly listed on the mid-cap segment of Nasdaq Stockholm. As of October 9, 2020, its market cap stood at SEK 2.168 billion (approx. ¥26.1 billion). The group’s financial results have recorded steady growth over the past few years. Its net sales between 2015 and 2019 increased by around 30 percent to SEK 405.6 million (approx. ¥4.9 billion); its net profit followed suit, increasing by around 28 percent to SEK 81.2 million (approx. ¥977 million) during the same period. Over 95 percent of sales is generated outside the Nordic area.


IAR Systems has offices in three regions: Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific. It has a total of 219 employees working in Sweden, France, Germany, UK, US, China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. The Asia-Pacific region produces around a third of the company’s revenue. In terms of headcount, the office in Japan is the second biggest within the company, after Sweden.


“All digital products—from household electronic appliances to heavy industry machineries—have an embedded system built in. And these embedded systems are controlled by microcontrollers. IAR Systems’ programming tools help its clients develop the software that controls how these processors operate in an embedded system. One of our greatest strengths is the code optimization technology. We have a strong track record in supporting our customers in producing the most compact and most efficient software in their products. Some of our most notable clients in Japan include DENSO, IDEC, CASIO and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,” explained Mr. Matsumoto.


When asked about product price, Mr. Uemura provided the following answer.


“Our company has a license-based business model in all three regions. This means that sales is recorded every time a license of our programming tool is made available to a customer. In Japan, we have two price categories. One is ¥500,000 per license; the other is ¥1 million per license. The former generates around 90% of our sales. The latter is around 10% of sales; this is more expensive because it is a pre-certified version made according to functional safety standards. Pre-Certified product is important for our customers who value safety above all, for example in the automotive, industrial and medical equipment markets.”


Both Mr. Uemura and Mr. Matsumoto expect demand for these certified products to increase going forward.


“Our growth sector is the security market. This is because the amount of sensitive data collected through Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine learning (ML) is growing at an extraordinary rate. That is why I expect the number of users for our embedded security programming tools and solutions will increase significantly over the mid to long term future,”

said Mr. Uemura.


Mr. Uemura joined IAR Systems K.K. in 2001 as its sales & marketing manager. He has served as the company’s representative director since 2005. He has overseen the Asia-Pacific region (China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea) since 2008, too. Mr. Matsumoto assumed his current position—sales account manager—in April 2018. Earlier in his career, he worked for a semiconductor trading company that handled IAR Systems’ products in Japan.


In April 2020, IAR Systems K.K. started distributing a newsletter to its client companies. But this newsletter covered topics that were unrelated to digital connection.


“We wanted to provide a different kind of benefit or value to our clients. That’s why, in the newsletter, we decided to cover Swedish business culture. For example, the Swedish approach to work life balance and fika. We believe there is more we can communicate to our clients. But for that, my coworkers and I need to keep learning about the Swedish way of business, too. I believe the SCCJ membership will be an excellent learning opportunity for our team here in Japan. We look forward to further expanding our knowledge in the future,”

explained Mr. Matsumoto.


It appears analogue connections still help IAR Systems K.K. put its highly digitalized new application business ahead of the curve and competition— something reassuring in our current brave new virtual world.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to IAR Systems K.K. as a member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:


昨今、我々の生活は最新の技術なしでは成り立たなくなっており、デジタルでのつながりはかつてないほど重要になっている。この変化は今後も続いていくことは間違いない。37年間にわたり、IAR Systemsはその先見性と実行力によってこの変化の波に乗ってきた。SCCJはIAR Systems K.K.で代表取締役を務める上村清史氏と、セールスアカウントマネージャーの松本善行氏を千代田区のオフィスに訪ね、会社のことやマーケットの将来について話を聞いた。


IAR Systemsは1983年、エンジニアのAnders Rundgren氏によってスウェーデンのウプサラに設立された、エンベデッドシステム向けの開発ツールの世界有数のサプライヤーである。世界中の46,000以上の企業に向けて、様々な製品をサポートしている。同社のクライアントの多くは、産業オートメーションや医療技術、情報通信、家庭用電化製品や自動車産業で事業を行っている。扱う主な製品は、Arm、Renesas、MSP430、RISC-Vなどのさまざまなマイクロコントローラーアーキテクチャをサポートするソフトウェア開発ツール、IAR Embedded Workbenchである。


グループ企業であるIAR Systems Group ABは、Nasdaqストックホルム市場で中型株のセグメントに上場している。2020年10月9日現在、時価総額は21.68億スウェーデンクローナ(約261億円)である。近年は堅実に成長を続けており、2015年に比べて2019年の売上高はおよそ30%増の4億560万スウェーデンクローナ(約49億円)となった。純利益も同様に、同期間で28%増の8120万スウェーデンクローナ(約9億7,700万円)だった。95%以上の売り上げは北欧以外の地域からきている。


IAR Systemsはヨーロッパ、アメリカ、アジアの3つの地域にオフィスを構えており、スウェーデンやフランス、ドイツ、イギリス、アメリカ、中国、台湾、日本そして韓国で合計219名の従業員が働いている。アジア地域は会社の売上高の3割を占めており、日本のオフィスはスウェーデンに続く2番目の規模を誇る。












上村氏はIAR Systemsにセールス&マーケティングマネージャーとして2001年に入社し、2005年から代表取締役を務めている。2008年からはアジア地域(中国、台湾、日本、韓国)を統括管理している。松本氏は2018年4月にセールスアカウントマネージャーに就任した。その前は日本でIAR Systemsの製品を扱う半導体商社に勤務していたそうだ。


2020年の4月から、IAR Systemsでは顧客企業に向けてニュースレターの発信を始めた。ただ、このニュースレターはデジタル接続以外のトピックを扱っている。







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