Member Introduction: Hexagon ~ Building a Sustainable Future Through Smart Data Application
Member Introduction: Hexagon ~ Building a Sustainable Future Through Smart Data Application
Despite significant improvements in machinery equipment, safety remains a paramount concern for all businesspersons worldwide. Indeed, being caught off-guard may unwittingly dampen the company’s bottom line. That is why companies now require more than ever TROAX’s industry-leading safety solution products and services. SCCJ interviewed Troax Group AB’s Asia-Pacific Regional Director Michael Standar to learn about their corporate history, product line up, and the future trajectory of the market.
Beer, in many ways, is a lot like the economy. Both heat up, cool down, form bubbles, go flat, and can be very rewarding when savored at the right timing, with the right group of people. If a Japanese draught beer can help break down the “tongue” barrier and keep money talks flowing, there’s no reason a Swedish craft beer cannot do the same. SCCJ interviewed Brewski Founder and Head Brewer Marcus Hjalmarsson to ask about their beers, their business in Japan, and how they will “brew” their business going forward.
In 2008, Per Oscar Brekell (individual member of the SCCJ) began the journey of turning his passion for Japanese tea into a career. Today, Brekell is a well-known face in the world of Japanese tea, appearing multiple times on Japanese national television and publishing several books on the subject.
As digitalization continues to transform all aspects of the global economy, more businesses than ever are determined to keep up with this mega trend. HMS Networks—a provider of industrial information communication technology (ICT)—no doubt sees this transformation as an opportunity to further strengthen its competitive edge in existing markets and beyond. SCCJ visited HMS KK Managing Director Hans-Joachim Sommer at their office in Shin-Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, to learn about their current business model and future business plans.