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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Manifestum is a Latin word that is related to the English word manifesto. It means to make something more understandable or to bring into existence something new. As a bioindustry business consultancy, Manifestum AB has presciently lived up to its namesake by building bridges between European and Japanese bio-businesses. SCCJ interviewed the company’s founder and president Mr. Stefan Sandström via Zoom to find out what he envisions to achieve in 2021 and beyond.


After establishing Manifestum AB in Sweden many decades ago, Mr. Sandström rebranded the company to its current form around three years ago. Today, it is a boutique consulting firm that specializes in supporting Western biotechnology companies increase their business traction in Japan’s bioindustry.


“Many of our clients are European companies with a keen interest in either entering or expanding their business in the bioindustry in Japan. One of our main responsibilities is to facilitate the transaction between our overseas clients and Japanese companies. For example, if a client of ours is interested in developing a vaccine with a Japanese pharmaceutical company, we would be the person in charge of the initial contact, the due diligence, relationship building, and negotiation between the two sides. Most of our clients are SMEs; but we’ve closed deals with Fortune 500 companies too,” explained Mr. Sandström.


One way the company differentiates itself from its competitors is by charging a more price conscious retainer fee.

“Because we focus more on SMEs—and bio-ventures in particular—we place more emphasis on the success fee, rather than the retainer fee. Many of our clients who are start-ups appreciate this approach of ours very much. As an entrepreneur myself, I understand what causes headaches at the initial stage of starting a business or entering a new market,”

said Mr. Sandström.


In December 2020, the company relocated its office to Shonan Health Innovation Park (Shonan iPark), a R&D incubation hub located in Fujisawa-city, Kanagawa Prefecture. Shonan iPark is a government-led initiative launched in collaboration with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company in April 2018. Currently, a total of more than 70 pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, governments, technology companies, medical device makers, and trading companies have offices setup at the site. Mr. Sandström believes this new location will further strengthen Manifestum’s business standing as a liaison company within the industry.


When asked about the future outlook of the bioindustry Mr. Sandström gave the following response.


“In 2019 the Japanese government updated its bio-strategy for the first time since 2008. In it, the government outlined its plan to create the world’s state-of-the-art bioeconomy society by 2030. Bio-Strategy 2019 is considered more comprehensive or ‘all-Japan’ than its preceding initiatives. Having said that, Japan is already behind in this field. Which means some of the technologies and products Japan wants to create are already developed in the US and Europe. That is why, for many of my clients, the next 10 years will likely be a very interesting and hopefully rewarding decade.”


When he is not busily navigating his clients through the inscrutable aspects of Japan’s business scenes, Mr. Sandström works pro bono as a business mentor and coach.


“I don’t think I could ever have done what I’m doing now when I was 30 years old. Doing business is a lot like mountain trekking. The higher you go up the harder it gets, but, at the same time, the view becomes more spectacular. There is a lot that I’ve learned over the course of my career; I see it as my responsibility to hand down to the next generation what I’ve learned along the way. That’s why, when students from the Stockholm School of Economics visit Japan, I’m usually involved in one way or another. I really enjoy talking to young businesspeople, especially entrepreneurs. For them, the road ahead always looks forever straight. I like that mindset,”

explained Mr. Sandström.


Mr. Sandström studied chemistry and medicine during his student years. He has studied at universities in Sweden and at Japan’s Kyushu University, too. Originally from the north of Sweden, Mr. Sandström traveled the world extensively before settling down in Japan. One of his greatest passions is the Japanese martial art Kendo (the way of the sword), which he has practiced for more than 20 years. Mr. Sandström is currently a fifth dan blackbelt. He occasionally trains with the Japanese Imperial Guard, inside the Imperial Palace, in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Manifestum AB as a member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:


Manifestumはラテン語で、英語のmanifesto(マニフェスト)にあたる。この言葉には「何かを理解しやすくするもの」や「何か新しいものを生み出すこと」という意味がある。Manifestum ABはバイオ産業のビジネスコンサルタントとしてヨーロッパと日本のバイオビジネスの間に架け橋を築いてきた。今回SCCJはManifestum ABの創設者兼社長のStefan Sandström氏にZoomでインタビューを行い、今後の会社のビジョンを聞いた。


数十年も前にManifestum ABを設立したのち、Sandström氏は約3年前に会社のブランドを現在の形に変更した。現在は、欧米のバイオテクノロジー企業が日本のバイオ産業でビジネスの牽引力を高めるのを支援するコンサルティング会社である。


「我々のクライアントの多くは、日本のバイオ産業への参入または事業拡大に強い関心を持っているヨーロッパの企業です。主な仕事の1つに、海外のクライアントと日本企業との間の取引を促進することがあります。例えば、私たちのクライアントが日本の製薬会社とのワクチン開発に興味を持っている場合、私たちはファーストコンタクトからデューデリジェンス、関係構築、および双方の間の交渉を担当します。クライアントの多くは中小企業ですが、中にはFortune 500のリストにある企業との取引もあります。」とSandström氏は説明する。





2020年12月、Manifestum ABは神奈川県藤沢市にある研究開発インキュベーションハブ、湘南ヘルスイノベーションパーク(湘南iPark)に事務所を移転した。 湘南iParkは、2018年4月に武田薬品工業株式会社が湘南研究所を開放することにより設立された産官学連携のイニシアチブだ。現在、合計70以上の製薬会社、研究機関、政府機関、テクノロジー企業、医療機器メーカー、商社がオフィスを構えている。Sandström氏は、この新しい場所に移転したことによって業界内でManifestumのビジネスの地位がさらに強化されると考えている。













Manifestum ABのSCCJ加盟を心より歓迎いたします。Manifestum ABについて詳しくはこちらからご覧いただけます。