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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Many people think Japan is a foodie's paradise. Tokyo alone has more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other city in the world. Japanese food is also highly regarded by dieticians all over the world due to its health benefits. But for many of the country's hardworking men and women, eating at work is still very much a humdrum experience low on nutrition. Dynaptico k.K., a young company established in 2012, wants to change this reality. SCCJ sat down with CEO Johan Larsson and CTO Ola Nordqvist to learn more about their current business strategy and what they foresee in their horizon.


Dynaptico identifies itself as a "food-tech" company. It's main product is a digital cafeteria service called CLOUDMEAL.  This platform connects the users with more than 600 cafes, restaurants, and shops. 


"CLOUDMEAL provides companies with a platform to easily provide their employees with lunch. But the service can also be used for other purposes such as snacks, event catering, dinner and even breakfast. The platform is bilingual, too. You can use both English and Japanese." explained Mr. Larsson.

At present, the main users of CLOUDMEAL are blue chip multinational companies in the greater Tokyo area. These companies have a registered account on CLOUDMEAL which they can set up free-of-charge. The employees of these companies can access CLOUDMEAL either from their PCs or from their smartphones. The order must be placed at least one day prior. The ordered food is brought to each company by the people working at the cafe, restaurant, or shop. Both delivery and payment are flexible and can be tailored to the need of each company.


"This type of business has been very popular in Silicon Valley for a long time. That is why many of our users are tech companies. But, as far as we know, we are the only company that provides this service here in Japan[...]. It's also great for the restaurants providing lunch to companies. By using CLOUDMEAL, they know at least a day in advance how many orders they have, and what kind of food they need to prepare. Before, many of the food they made were thrown out if they couldn't sell them. S, it's more efficient for their inventory management, too" .

added Mr. Larsson.


Because there are no other companies with the same business model, Mr. Larsson believes brick and mortar style cafeterias and other cafeteria-like services are his company's biggest competitors. He is confident that companies can reap more value from the same buck if they decide to switch over from these businesses to CLOUDMEAL.


As Dynaptico k.K. already provides meals made by more than 600 cafes, restaurants, and shops, Mr. Larsson's short term goal is to increase its number of users. "We already have some SCCJ members using CLOUDMEAL. But it would be great if we can provide our service to more members in the future. Not just offices. We are more than happy to work with factories, too. I know some SCCJ members have factories, so it might be a good opportunity" explained Mr. Larsson.


Many SCCJ members are probably already very well acquainted with Mr. Larsson. He has been an active member of the chamber for many years. HE is well known as a longtime facilitator of Young Chamber Network (YCN) events, too. In fact, Mr. Larsson befriended his CTO Mr. Nordqvist at one such event.


Mr. Nordqvist is a native of the city of Göteborg, Sweden, and was the man responsible for first launching Dynaptico K.K. back in 2012. "Before that, Ola worked as an IT engineer for Goldman Sachs Japan for a couple of years. I have been involved with this company since 2015. But i joined this company as its CEO only in 2018. That's when we changed the business model to its current model. Before, we were a B-to-C company. But today, we are a B-to-B company." explained Mr. Larsson.

For the mid to long term, Messrs Larsson and Nordqvist would like to communicate their company's mission to more people. "We would really like more companies to think of food as Fukuri-kosei, an employee benefit. A way to promote a healthier lifestyle" explained Mr. Larsson. THey also have plans to steadily increase their headcount. "We are five people right now. But we would like to have 10 people before the end of the year. All employees other than Ola and I would be Japanese. So the office language is Japanese" added Mr. Larsson.


On a more technical standpoint, the company plans to incrementally improve the information displayed on CLOUDMEAL, too. "We'd like to use more AI in the future. For example, we'd like AI to recommend restaurants to the users based on their eating habits, feedbacks, and preferences. We have other things in mind, too".


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Dynaptico K.K. as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about Dynaptico K.K.'s service CLOUDMEAL at:

多くの人は日本が食通にとって天国のような場所と考えている。東京は、世界のどこよりもミシュランで星を獲得したレストランの数が多い。さらに、日本食は健康上の利点から、世界中の栄養士に高く評価されている。ただ、この国で一生懸命働いている多くの人たちにとって、職場での食事はまだまだ栄養の低く、退屈なものである。2012年に設立されたDynaptico K.K.はこの現実を変えようとしている。SCCJは今回CEOのJohan Larsson氏とCTOのOla Nordqvist氏を訪ね、彼らの現在のビジネスストラテジーと今後の展望について話を聞いた。











Dynaptico K.K.は既に600社を超えるカフェやレストラン、お店から食事を提供しているため、Larsson氏の短期的な目標はユーザーを増やすことだ。「既にSCCJメンバーの中にもCLOUDMEALを使っていただいているところがあります。しかし将来的には、より多くのメンバーの皆様にこのサービスを使っていただきたいのです。オフィスだけではなく、私たちは工場とも一緒に働きたいと考えています。SCCJの企業会員の中には工場を持っている会社もありますので、きっと良い機会になるでしょう。」とLarsson氏は説明する。


多くのSCCJ会員はLarsson氏のことをよく知っているだろう。彼は長年にわたって商工会議所に積極的に関わっているメンバーだからだ。彼はまた、Young Chamber Network (YCN)のイベントにも長年の間責任者として携わっている。実際、Larsson氏はYCNのイベントを通じてCTOのNordqvist氏と知り合ったという。


Nordqvist氏はスウェーデンのヨーテボリ出身で、2012年のDynaptico K.K.の設立に関わった。「それ以前はOlaはゴールドマン・サックス証券でエンジニアとして数年間働いていました。私自身はこの会社に2015年から参加しています。ただ、CEOになったのは2018年です。この時、我々はビジネスモデルを現在のものに変えました。以前はB-to-Cのサービスを提供していましたが、現在はB-to-Bのサービスを提供する企業です。」とLarsson氏は語る。






Dynaptico K.K. をSCCJの新しい会員として心より歓迎いたします。Dynaptico K.K. のサービスCLOUDMEALはこちらから詳しく見ることができます。