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Economic growth and technological advancements have elevated the zenith of human potential to historic heights. Although perhaps few would question the soundness of this claim it is also true that many of those around us now live with “the detriments of progress”. This is maybe why people and organizations from both within and outside Japan are reassessing the importance of physical, mental, and societal wellbeing. TACHIHI STRATEGY LABO Co., Ltd is one such company. In spring 2023, SCCJ interviewed the company’s Managing Director of Project Operation Toshiya Kudo in Tachikawa City, Tokyo, to learn about their business model and planned trajectory for the future.

TACHIHI STRATEGY LABO was established in July 2015. It is a property development and management subsidiary of K.K. Tachihi Holdings—a real estate conglomerate founded in 1924. Today, the Tachihi group of companies is a major landlord of Tachikawa City, Tokyo, with around 980,000 sq.m. of land under its ownership (approx. 4% of the city’s total land area). Tachihi started as an aircraft manufacturing company about 100 years ago; but their business domain has gradually shifted from manufacturing to real estate over many decades.

TACHIHI STRATEGY LABO is mainly involved in the day-to-day management and operation of GREEN SPRINGS—a multiplex asset opened in April 2020. It is located within walking distance from JR Tachikawa station. GREEN SPRINGS is a large-scale property with rental spaces for offices, retail shops, and a hotel (the current tenant is SORANO HOTEL). The facility also comprises a 2,500-seat event hall called TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN—the largest of its kind in Tokyo’s Tama area. The asset was designed by Tak Shimizu, an architect who also developed other landmark projects such as TOKYO MIDTOWN and K ASHIWANOHA GATE SQUARE.

“Our mission is to make our local community—Tachikawa City—a more attractive destination for companies, shops, and people alike,” said Mr. Kudo.


“GREEN SPRING’s key concept is ‘wellbeing’. You might know that Big Tech companies in the US all have their main offices located outside of congested office areas. Our property stands adjacent to Tokyo’s largest park Showa Kinen Park. This means our office tenants can enjoy the park’s view from their spacious open-air balconies all year round.”


“Even though most of our office tenants aren’t tech companies, I believe many of them are similar in vein to GAFA and GAFA-like companies—they are ‘wellbeing seekers’ who seek inspiration from zephyrs, green grounds and blue skies,” explained Mr. Kudo.

This may sound counter-intuitive at first but many of GREEN SPRINGS’s retail tenants are bold forward-thinking businesses with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. These one-of-a-kind shops include a Tachikawa-based paper printing & package design company, a Saitama-based outdoor goods maker, and a Yamanashi-based café, among others.

“SUPER PAPER MARKET is a 60-year-old locally run papermaking company. In 2022 they ventured outside their comfort zone by launching a brick-and-mortar store for the first time, inside GREEN SPRINGS,” said Mr. Kudo.

muraco was originally a metal processing company and is headquartered in Saitama Prefecture. By building on their existing expertise and know-how muraco has successfully transformed their business model into something quite different; now they are recognized as a maker of well-designed and long-lasting outdoor products.

PAPER MOON is a famous café located near Lake Yamanaka in Yamanashi Prefecture. It was established in 1985 and its recently opened café located on the second floor of GREEN SPRINGS is only their second store ever.

“All three businesses chose GREEN SPRINGS as their next horizon because they could understand and relate to our concept of ‘wellbeing’. Our door is always open, and we are looking forward to meeting more like-minded people and organizations from both near and afar. I believe we can always do more to further elevate the value of our community. The sky’s the limit,” explained Mr. Kudo.

From April 7th to April 9th GREEN SPRINGS was the venue for “TACHIKAWA LOPPIS spring side 2023”. The event was organized by TACHIHI STRATEGY LABO with the support from eight European embassies including the Embassy of Sweden.


“We’ve been holding TACHIKAWA LOPPIS every year for three years now. I believe there is still a lot we can learn about ‘Wellbeing’ from Sweden and other like-minded countries. One of the main reasons why we decided to join SCCJ is to meet new people and to also deepen our understanding of the Swedish way of ‘Wellbeing’,” explained Mr. Kudo.


“Although not famous internationally, the Tama area has several beautiful tourist destinations such as Mt. Takao and Akigawa Valley. In terms of ‘Wellbeing’ I believe our wider local community—Tachikawa City and its surrounding areas— also has something delightful to offer to the people of Sweden, Nordic countries, and the rest of the world. Please visit us if you have the opportunity,” said Mr. Kudo.


We extend a warm welcome to TACHIHI STRATEGY LABO Co., Ltd as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about GREEN SPRINGS at:










立飛ストラテジーラボは2020年4月にオープンした複合施設・GREEN SPRINGSの管理運営を主な業務としている。同施設はJR立川駅から徒歩圏内にある。GREEN SPRINGSはオフィス、店舗、ホテル(現在のテナントはSORANO HOTEL)用の賃貸スペースを備えた大規模建造物であり、多摩地区最大級の約2500席を備えたイベントホール・立川ステージガーデンを擁することで知られる。アーキテクトデザインを担当したのは東京ミッドタウンや柏の葉ゲートウェイなどの大規模プロジェクトを手掛けた建築家・清水卓氏だ。




「GREEN SPRINGSのキーコンセプトは『ウェルビーイング』です。ご存知かもしれませんが、米国の大手テクノロジー企業は混雑したオフィス街ではなく、そこから少し離れた郊外に本社を構えています。私どもが管理運営しておりますGREEN SPRINGSは東京都内最大の公園・国営昭和記念公園に隣接しています。つまりオフィステナントは一年を通して、広々とした屋外バルコニーから公園の景色を眺めることができるのです」


「私どものオフィステナントのほとんどはテクノロジー企業ではありません。ですが、私は多くのテナントがGAFAなどの企業に似ていると感じる時があります。なぜかと言えば彼らは皆、そよ風や緑地、澄み切った青空からインスピレーションを得るためにGREEN SPRINGSを選んだ『ウェルビーイング・シーカー』だからです」と工藤氏は説明した。


これは意外に思われるかもしれないが、GREEN SPRINGSの店舗テナントは大胆性や先見性、起業家精神にあふれた会社が多く、その中には他にはない「唯一無二」のお店もある。立川市を拠点とする紙印刷・パッケージデザインの会社や、埼玉県に本社を置くアウトドア用品メーカー、山梨県に店舗を構えるカフェなどが例として挙げられる。

「SUPER PAPER MARKETは60年の歴史を持つ地元企業であり、いわゆる『紙のエキスパート』です。2022年、同社はGREEN SPRINGS内に実店舗を構えるという、これまで経験したことのない全く新しいプロジェクトを実行されました」と工藤氏は述べた。




山梨県のカフェはPAPER MOONという山中湖湖畔にあるスイーツが有名なお店だ。創業1985年の同店が初めてオープンした第2店舗がGREEN SPRINGSの2階にあるケーキカフェだ。

「これら3社がGREEN SPRINGSを“新たな地平線”に選んでくれた理由――それは私どもが掲げる『ウェルビーイング』の概念を理解し、共感していただけたからだと思います。私どもの“対話のドア”は常時開かれています。近隣や遠方から訪れる方々、志を同じくする個人や会社との新しい出会いを、われわれはいつも楽しみにしております。立川市というコミュニティーの価値をさらに高めるために弊社ができることは常にあるはずです。可能性は無限だと考えております」と工藤氏は力強く訴えた。

4月7日から9日まで、GREEN SPRINGSでは「TACHIKAWA LOPPIS spring side 2023」が開催された。これはスウェーデン大使館をはじめとする欧州8カ国の大使館の後援のもと、立飛ストラテジーラボが主催したイベントだ。

「TACHIKAWA LOPPISを毎年開催してから三年が経ちました。スウェーデンや同じ志を持つ他の国々から『ウェルビーイング』について学べることは、まだまだたくさんあると思います。私どもがSCCJの会員企業になった主な理由の一つは、新しい出会いなどを通じて、スウェーデン流の『ウェルビーイング』をもっと深く理解したいからです」と工藤氏は語った。



TACHIHI STRATEGY LABO社のSCCJ加盟を心より歓迎いたします。会社について詳しくはこちら ( からご覧になれます。