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You do not have to be a world-renowned athlete to understand the importance of uninhibited physical movement. The elderly, the hospitalized, and wheelchair users can also benefit from increased bodily mobility. For more than 60 years Swedish company Arjo AB has helped those who require specialized attention and high-quality care maximize their bodily movements through their state-of-the-art medical devices and “with people in mind” services. In spring 2023, SCCJ interviewed Arjo Japan K.K. Representative Director Ikuro Yoshizumi to learn about the company’s business in Japan.


Arjo AB was established in Skåne County, Sweden by Arne Johansson in 1957. The company’s name—Arjo—is a neologism which uses the first two letters of the founder’s first and last names. Arjo is currently headquartered in Malmö and has around 6,800 employees worldwide.

As their brand essence “Empowering Movement” indicates, Arjo’s products are designed to improve the quality of life (QOL) of people with mobility challenges. The company’s product portfolio consists of: (1) medical beds (2) pressure mattresses for preventing bedsores (3) patient handling equipment (4) personal hygiene products (5) disinfection solutions and (6) deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prevention


Arjo AB is a publicly traded company listed on the Stockholm NASDAQ since 2017. Their market cap was circa 11.7 billion SEK (approx. ¥153 billion) on May 19, 2023. Net sales in FY2022 stood at circa 10.0 billion SEK (approx. ¥131 billion).

The company exports their products to more than 100 countries worldwide. Based on net sales recorded in FY2022 Arjo’s top three markets were US (30%), UK (12%), and France (11%).

“Globally our number one product is medical beds. We’re the market leader in the UK for this product category. In Japan, we primarily focus on the sales of products that support the transfer and movement of patients called Patient Handling products. Among them the main product is Sara® Combilizer, which supports early mobilization of patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patient Handling products account for around 15% of our sales,”

said Mr. Yoshizumi.

Sara® Combilizer is a multifunctional device used to reduce the risk of health complications—for example bedsores, muscle weakness, and pneumonia—caused by immobility. Today most medical and healthcare professionals understand the importance of early mobilization after surgery and/or hospitalization.



“But this was not always the case. Doctors and nurses used to think keeping the patient in bed for a prolonged period was beneficial for a speedy recovery. It was only recently that this all changed […] And because of its built-in safety system, various positioning options, and user-friendly interface, we believe Sara® Combilizer will continue to make out of bed mobility easier for those who need specialized care here in Japan and beyond,” explained Mr. Yoshizumi.

Like many other companies eyeing to capitalize on future market trends, Arjo sees Japan’s aging population and workforce not as a detriment but as an opportunity to further strengthen their business footing.

“Our ergonomically designed products require less hands-on support from a healthcare professional. Which means patients, elderly people, and wheelchair users all have some degree of control over their bodily movements. By using our products, they can move around relatively freely, without always needing hands-on support. This is good news for caregivers and helpers, too; lifting, supporting, and moving a full-grown person is physically strenuous work, especially when it is done repeatedly. We believe keeping their job less physically burdensome is now more important than ever,” explained Mr. Yoshizumi.

This is all easier said than done, however. Some healthcare professionals in Japan are not enthusiastic about adopting new ways of caregiving even when there is sufficient evidence to prove that it is beneficial not only for those who require specialized care, but for caregivers and helpers, too.


“In Japanese hospitals and nursing facilities there is still a strong preference for hands on manual care. But when you consider Japan’s shrinking population and aging workforce, it will become increasingly important to reduce the physical burden caregivers and helpers experience every day. As an ambassador of the Arjo brand in Japan, this is one of the most important messages I strive to convey to our customers,” said Mr. Yoshizumi.

And while all developed nations are confronted with the challenges offset by an aging workforce, Mr. Yoshizumi believes Japan’s vision for tackling this issue should include strategies that reflect upon its culture, history, and way of life.

“Keeping an open mind to new ideas is essential. However, I think there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this challenge. That is why simply adopting a model successful in another country—whether that be the Nordic way or another approach—is insufficient. For innovation to blossom, Japan must strike a healthy balance between letting go of the old and embracing the new. I believe this is imperative for Japan to continue advancing as a society well into the 21st century,” explained Mr. Yoshizumi.


We extend a warm welcome to Arjo Japan K.K. as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:




世界的に有名なアスリートでなくても自由に体を動かすことの重要性は理解できるはずだ。高齢者や入院患者、車椅子利用者も身体の可動性を向上できればさまざまな便益を享受できる。スウェーデンの医療機器メーカーであるアルジョ社は60年以上にわたり、最先端の介護・リハビリテーション機器と「人を想う(With people in mind)」サービスを通じて、高品質なケアを必要とする人たちにさまざまな形のサポートを提供してきた。2023年春、SCCJはアルジョ・ジャパン株式会社の吉住郁郎代表取締役社長をインタービューし、日本における同社の事業展開について話を伺った。



アルジョ社は1957年に創業者のArne Johansson氏がスウェーデンのスコーネ県に設立した会社だ。社名の「Arjo」は同氏の性と名の最初の二文字を組み合わせた造語である。現在のアルジョ社はスウェーデン第三の都市マルメに本社を構える全世界に約6800人の従業員を擁する企業だ。


アルジョ社の製品は同社のブランドエッセンスである「Empowering Movement(可動性の追求)」が示すように、身体の可動性が制限もしくは低下した人たちの生活の質(QOL)が改善されるよう設計されている。同社の製品ポートフォリオは①医療用ベッド②褥瘡(じょくそう)予防マットレス③移乗機器④衛生用品⑤消毒ソリューション⑥深部静脈血栓(DVT)予防製品によって構成されている。







「弊社の製品のうち、世界で最も売れているのは医療用ベッドです。英国では私どものベッドがこの製品カテゴリーの首位を占めています。一方、日本では移乗機器と呼ばれる患者の移乗・移動をサポートする製品群に販売を注力しており、中でも患者様の早期離床を支える「サラ・コンビライザー(Sara®   Combilizer)」という製品が主力商品です。ちなみに移乗機器製品は弊社全体の売り上げの約15%を占めています」と吉住氏は述べた。




「しかし以前はそうではありませんでした。かつては医師や看護師も患者を長期間ベッドに寝かせておく方がより早い回復に繋がると考えていました。この考え方が変わり始めたのは比較的、最近のことです。[…] サラ・コンビライザーは内蔵の安全システム、さまざまなポジショニングオプション、利用者にとって使い勝手の良いインターフェースにより、日本国内と海外の両方で専門的なケアが必要な人たちの早期離床をサポートしています。同商品がこれからも幅広い支持を得られることを期待しています」と吉住氏は力説した。














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