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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Imagination, inventiveness, and ingenuity are qualities rooted in all humans, no matter our age, gender, or nature. And these qualities, when push comes to shove, can sometimes come together to ferment game changing new products. Fruktstereo—a Swedish maker of natural wines—has sparked people’s appetite with their eclectic range of drinks since 2016. SCCJ interviewed Fruktstereo Cofounder Mikael Nypelius to find out about their special ingredients, creativeness, and craftsmanship carefully sealed inside every bottle.


Fruktstereo was cofounded by Mikael Nypelius and Karl Sjöström in 2016. The company is based in Malmö, Skåne, located at the southernmost point of Sweden. Both Mikael and Karl are sommeliers who first made their name in Sweden’s fine dining world; Mikael, who is originally from the island of Gotland, was awarded “Sommelier of the year 2015” by Sweden’s biggest wine magazine.

“When we first began Fruktstereo, both of us were still working as sommeliers. In 2016 we started small by producing 3.5 thousand liters. In 2017, we decided that wine making was what we wanted to do. We continued working parttime at restaurants but increased our production to 25 thousand liters. Almost all of it was exported. Today we still export between 75 to 80% of our production. Our biggest markets are the US, Canada, and Norway.”

All wines made by Mikael, Karl, and their dedicated team use 100% natural Swedish fruits such as apples, pears, and berries among many others. All fruits are naturally grown without using pesticides and herbicides. Although most drinks use apples and pears, Fruktstereo categorizes themselves as a maker of not only cider but also sparkling fruit wine, wine, and everything in between.

“Fruktstereo means fruit stereo in English. The idea is to showcase the beauty of Swedish fruits. We do this by mixing and fermenting two or more fruits together. In a way, the process is a bit like making beautiful music. Like a stereo, if you’d like. That’s why the name is Fruktstereo. […] Our products are all very niche and artisanal. We target a specific group of consumers. Our drinks are quite expensive compared to other ciders. If we compared our drinks to wines or sour beers, we would be mid-bracket in terms of price.”

In Japan, Fruktstereo’s beverages are available for purchase through several online stores and at selected bars/restaurants. The prices range from around ¥1,500 to ¥3,500 per 750ml bottle (not including c-tax).

“Japan was the first country in Asia we started exporting our products to. This all started in early 2020. Since then, we have expanded our business within the region. We now export to South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong, too.”

One product Mikael and his team will start distributing across Japan very soon is a dry natural sparkling cider called CIDERDAY NIGHT FEVER. In 2021 it was voted the best cider in Sweden and uses two types of apples—80% Ingrid Marie and 20% Aroma. When asked about Fruktstereo’s growth strategy over the coming years, Mikael provided the following response:

“In the wine world, six years is nothing. We are still very much learning our trade and are trying to grow in a sustainable fashion. This year will be the second vintage with our own orchard. This is an extremely big step that will take many years to establish in a proper way. […] Because of the strict alcohol restriction Sweden has had over the last one hundred years, we are pioneers very much at the forefront. We have no other winemakers to look up to or to seek reference from. That gives us a lot of freedom, but it also means we have to experiment a lot and we must explain to everyone what is inside the glass.”

Mikael and his team’s love for homegrown natural ingredients and eco-centric mindset has recently caught the attention of another like-minded company. In the not-too-distant future, Fruktstereo will launch an exclusively made beverage endorsed by Patagonia—the eco-friendly American outdoor clothing brand. 


On September 14, Patagonia Founder Yvon Chouinard pledged to give away the company to a trust that will use its profits to save Earth’s climate.

“We are one of around 15 wine makers they are endorsing. It’s a special cuvée that we have made especially for Patagonia and conveys the same ideals they uphold. It’s called: LISTEN TO YOUR FRUKT. We believe that if the climate is changing than we should listen to the fruit; we should adapt to it and not try to adapt the fruit to us.”

As this drink will only be available in the US and Japan, we recommend all SCCJ members to crack open a bottle or three!


We extend a warm welcome to Fruktstereo as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:


Photos: Emily Wilson

想像力や創意工夫は、年齢や性別、性格に関係なく、すべての人に根付いている素質だ。これらの素質は、いざというとき、ゲームチェンジとなるような新製品を生み出すことがある。スウェーデンの自然派ワインメーカーFruktstereoは2016年以来、多彩な飲み物で人々を惹きつけてきた。SCCJは今回、Fruktstereoの共同設立者であるMikael Nypelius氏にインタビューを行い、彼らの作る飲料の特別な材料やブランドの創造性、そしてすべてのボトルの中に丁寧に封じ込められた職人技について話を聞いた。


Fruktstereoは、2016年にMikael Nypelius氏とKarl Sjöström氏が共同で設立し、スウェーデンの最南端に位置するスコーネはマルメを拠点に活動している。彼らはともにスウェーデンの高級レストラン界でその名を知られたソムリエで、ゴットランド島出身のNypelius氏は、スウェーデン最大のワイン雑誌で「ソムリエ・オブ・ザ・イヤー2015」を受賞している。





Fruktstereoとは、英語でフルーツステレオという意味です。2つ以上のフルーツを混ぜて発酵させることでスウェーデンの果物の美しさを紹介したいと考えています。ある意味、このプロセスは美しい音楽を作るようなものです。ステレオのようなもの、といえばいいでしょうか。だから "Fruktstereo"という名前なのです。(中略)私たちの製品はすべて非常にニッチで職人的なもので、特定の消費者グループをターゲットにしています。私たちの飲み物は、他のシードルに比べてかなり高価です。ワインやサワービールに例えるなら、価格的には中級クラスでしょう。」




彼らが間もなく日本全国で流通を開始する商品のひとつが、「CIDERDAY NIGHT FEVER」という辛口のナチュラルスパークリングシードルだ。2021年にスウェーデンのベストシードルに選ばれたこの商品は、イングリッド・マリー80%とアロマ20%という2種類のリンゴを使用している。







9月14日、パタゴニア創業者のYvon Chouinardは、自身が保有する同社の株式を環境保護団体に譲渡することを発表した。


「私たちは、パタゴニアが支持する約15のワインメーカーのうちの1つです。このワインはパタゴニアのために特別につくられたもので、彼らが掲げる理想と同じものを伝えています。その名も "LISTEN TO YOUR FRUKT"。気候が変化するならば、果実に耳を傾けるべきであり、果実を私たちに合わせようとするのではなく、私たちが気候に適応すべきであると考えています。」



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