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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Over the coming years, data will likely become more important than ever as an asset for all businesses. That is why how companies collect, consolidate, and capitalize data can not only greatly impact their bottom line; it could leave a long-lasting mark on the wellbeing of society-at-large, too. Hexagon AB—a global leader in digital reality solutions—helps companies better harness data by providing a wide variety of cutting-edge hardware and software. SCCJ interviewed the head of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Japan Masaki Sox Konno to learn about the group’s key facts, product portfolio, and growth strategy.


Hexagon AB was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Stockholm. It is one of the world’s leading providers of sensor, software, and autonomous solutions. The company is listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange’s OMX Stockholm 30. As of July 21, 2022, its market cap stood at circa 303.4 billion SEK (approx. ¥4.1 trillion).


Ola Rollén has been Hexagon AB’s CEO and president since 2000. Under his watch the company’s revenue skyrocketed from circa 500 million EUR (approx. ¥69.8 billion) in 2000 to circa 4.3 billion EUR (approx. ¥600.2 billion) in 2021. Headcount between 2000 and 2021 increased from around 4,000 to more than 22,000.


“Our CEO has overseen more than 170 acquisitions over the last 21 years. For the company to diversify its business and become a global player, he decided in many cases it was best to buy versus build […] And the management in Sweden believe in buy and release versus buy and control,” said Mr. Konno.


A Japanese Canadian with more than 20 years of marketing and sales experience, Mr. Konno assumed his current leadership roles in February 2022. As the head of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence in Japan, he is the representative director of four of Hexagon AB’s subsidiary companies: (1) MSC Software Ltd. (2) Hexagon Metrology KK (3) Vero Software KK and (4) D.P. Technology KK.


“Hexagon worldwide is known as a metrology company. Our bread and butter is measurement through our metrology devices. In Japan however, the simulation business is our largest business unit and the automobile industry is our strongest industry. […] But because we are a house of brands, nobody really knows Hexagon in Japan. That is why, we plan to ramp up our marketing around our corporate branding going forward,”

explained Mr. Konno.


Globally, the Hexagon group of companies offers solutions in two segments: geospatial enterprise solutions (GES) and industrial enterprise solutions (IES). Each segment makes up around half of Hexagon AB’s overall revenue.


GES offers a portfolio of reality-capture sensors such as laser scanners, airborne cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), mobile mapping, and precise positioning technologies to its clients.


IES also offers a wide portfolio of solutions. These include coordinate measure machines (CMM), computer aided design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), and computer aided engineering (CAE).


“From our CAE perspective, we have many different types of simulation engines. We have a local simulation company called Cradle which has been addressing local needs here in Japan for 38 years. Having breadth in our technologies in both hardware and software and being able to address local needs is one of our greatest strengths. […] In the future, we will continue to promote innovation, diversity, and inclusion to become one of the best companies to work for in Japan,” said Mr. Konno.


Hexagon believes better utilization of data—particularly the real time and autonomous usage of data—is crucial for companies to not only boost their efficiency and productivity going forward, but also to fast-track sustainable development goals (SDGs) such as reducing waste and pollution levels. The company’s R&D and manufacturing solutions empower customers to use the knowledge obtained from the data in the building of products that are sustainable and have an environmentally friendly competitive edge.


“Transformation in Japan needs to be done faster. The adoption of digital technologies and cloud in Japan’s manufacturing areas is still slow. Japan is great at incremental optimization, but not really when it comes to huge innovations. Electronic vehicle is a case in point. Using digital technologies with new business processes can be a huge competitive advantage in the global playing field. […] We can help companies out from a quality, design, and sustainability perspective in the design and manufacturing of their products,” explained Mr. Konno.


When asked about the meaning of innovation, Mr. Konno provided the following response:


“Innovation for me is risk taking and having no fear. If we want to help the Japanese automobile industry transform, we ourselves need to transform. We are trying to build a culture based on Hexagon’s core values. We need to build a culture that rewards innovation and entrepreneurship. We are already hiring and rewarding people who show these qualities. This is something we will continue to drive moving forward.”


We extend a warm welcome to Hexagon as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:


今後数年間、データはすべてのビジネスにとって、これまで以上に重要な資産となることが予想される。そのため、企業がどのようにデータを収集・統合し資産化するかは、企業の収益に大きな影響を与えるだけでなく、社会全体の幸福にも長期的な影響を与える可能性があるのだ。デジタルリアリティソリューションのグローバルリーダーであるHexagon ABは、最先端のハードウェアとソフトウェアを幅広く提供することで企業のデータ活用を支援している。SCCJはHexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Japanの代表である今野ソックス真生氏に、同グループの概要や製品ポートフォリオ、成長戦略について話を聞いた。


Hexagon ABは1992年に設立され、ストックホルムに本社を構えている、センサーやソフトウェア、自律型ソリューションの世界有数のプロバイダーである。ストックホルム証券取引所のOMX Stockholm 30に上場しており、2022年7月21日現在の時価総額は約3,034億SEK(約4兆1,000億円)だ。


Ola Rollén氏は2000年からHexagon ABのCEO兼社長を務めている。2000年に約5億ユーロ(約698億円)だった売上高は、2021年には約43億ユーロ(約6,002億円)へと急増。2000年から2021年の間に、従業員数は約4,000人から22,000人以上に増加した。


「当社のCEOは、過去21年間で170件以上の買収を指揮してきました。スウェーデンの経営陣は、"Buy and Release vs. Buy and Control "を信条としています。」と、今野氏は語った。


20年以上のマーケティングおよびセールス経験を持つ日系カナダ人の今野氏は、2022年2月に現在のポジションに就任した。Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligenceの日本支社トップとして、Hexagon ABの子会社である(1)MSC Software Ltd.、(2)Hexagon Metrology KK、(3)Vero Software KK (4) D.P. Technology KKの4社において代表取締役を務めている。


「Hexagon は計測機器メーカーとして世界的に知られており、計測機器による計測事業を生業としています。しかし、日本ではシミュレーション事業が最大のビジネスユニットであり、自動車産業が最大の顧客層です。(中略)しかし、私たちのビジネスモデルは『House of Brands』であるため、日本では誰もヘキサゴンを知らないのです。そのため、今後はコーポレートブランディングを中心にマーケティングを強化していく予定です」


Hexagonグループは、地理空間エンタープライズソリューション(GES)と産業用エンタープライズソリューション(IES)という2つのセグメントでソリューションを世界中に提供しており、各セグメントはHexagon AB全体の収益の約半分を占めている。















