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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Businesses cannot make it all the way on their own. For businesses to maximize their competitiveness, collaborating with like-minded players, adapting to imminent changes, and being open to diverse opportunities are all sine qua non. Invest in Skåne—a trade and investment promotion agency in southern Sweden—not only functions as a bridge between the region and the wider world; its foresight, experience, and know-how can support all businesses leverage their growth potential both within and outside Skåne. SCCJ spoke with Invest in Skåne Business Developer, Olof Tedin, to learn about the region’s edge over others.


Invest in Skåne is headquartered in Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. They are a NPO wholly owned by the self-governing regional government Region Skåne. The region’s key industries include advanced materials, life science, tech, food, and smart sustainable cities. Famous Swedish companies such as Alfa Laval, Höganäs, Oatley, Shakmob, and Axis were founded in the region and are still Skåne-based.


“We support both inbound and outbound businesses. Inbound refers to international companies interested in doing business in Skåne. I usually help them find opportunities related to investment, establishment, and research collaboration. For outbound, we help regional companies—especially SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)—find partners, retailers, and investors overseas. I’m involved in both aspects of our business. My particular focus is tech, especially food tech and games,” said Mr. Tedin.


Over the past 30 years Skåne has successfully transformed itself from a heavy industry-focused region to a research-focused science and technology cluster.


“Today we are one of the most cutting-edge research areas in Europe. Our main industries are all knowledge intensive and innovative. One of the largest research universities in Sweden–Lund University—is located in Skåne. We have more than 10 different science parks and incubators. So whatever industry you’re in there will be a community for you to connect with […] And because of our large talent pool, it is relatively easy for companies to identify and hire people. For example, engineers and software developers,”

explained Mr. Tedin.


Microsoft, IBM, and Fanuc, are some of the well-known global brands with their offices in Skåne. Also, other companies like Bosch, Sony, and Ericsson have research and development operations in the region.


The region has produced more than a handful of important tech startups, too. Neo4j, a leading graph database software company headquartered in California, was founded in Malmö in 2007. Moreover, the technology used for Google Maps and Apple’s facial recognition software were both originally developed by Skåne-based tech startups.


One of the region’s biggest growth sectors today is the video games industry. Massive Entertainment, a video game developer known for producing games such as The Division 2, is headquartered in Malmö and employs around 900 people. Skåne itself is home to around 10% of Sweden’s game developers.


“Massive Entertainment is one of the lynchpins of Skåne’s video games industry. Their next game is based on the James Cameron movie, Avatar. Massive is working on making the next generation of Star Wars games, too. Other movie-related games being developed in the region include the new James Bond video games. This is being developed by a company called IO Interactive. […] Estimated at around $300 billion (approx. ¥40.4 trillion) globally, the video games industry is worth more than the music and the movie industries combined,” said Mr. Tedin.


Japan is strategically important for many Skåne-based companies. The medical technology company, Arjo, the oral health company, TePe, and AAK, which makes vegetable oils and fats, all plan to expand their business footprint in Japan going forward.


“Let me share a case I was personally involved in. A small Skåne-based video game studio successfully secured a deal in Japan this February. They were interested in distributing their iPad games. So, I introduced them to a company that publishes Western games in Japan. […] Both Japanese and Swedish companies can use Invest in Skåne as a contact point to grow their business. We can help them gain a foothold in either market,”

explained Mr. Tedin.


Over the mid-to-long term future, Invest in Skåne is poised to further transforming the region into a world leading innovation and sustainability hub.


In 2016, MAX IV Laboratory, a next generation synchrotron radiation facility opened in Lund. The facility is equipped with the highest quality of X-rays in the world, allowing scientists to develop new materials and products that currently do not exist.


By 2025, European Spallation Source (ESS), a multi-disciplinary research facility with the world's most powerful next-generation neutron source is scheduled to be in full operation. The facility, which is also located in Lund, will propel the development of new solutions in areas such as energy, health, and IT.


“We want to continue contributing to the world by attracting international companies to Skåne and supporting local companies grow their business overseas. That is our mission,” said Mr. Tedin.


We extend a warm welcome to Invest in Skåne as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:



ビジネスは、自分一人の力だけで動かすことはできない。企業が競争力を最大限に発揮するためには、同じ志を持つプレーヤーと協力し、迫り来る変化に対応し、多様な機会を受け入れることが必要不可欠なのだ。南スウェーデンの貿易・投資促進機関であるInvest in Skåneは、地域と世界の架け橋として機能するだけでなく、その先見性、経験、ノウハウによって、すべての企業がスコーネの内外で成長の可能性を活用できるよう支援している。SCCJは、Invest in SkåneのビジネスデベロッパーであるOlof Tedin氏に、この地域の優位性について話を聞いた。


Invest in Skåneは、スウェーデン第3の都市マルメに本社を置く、スコーネ地方自治政府100%出資のNPO法人だ。同地域の主要産業は、先端材料、ライフサイエンス、テクノロジー、食品、スマート・サステイナブル・シティなどがある。Alfa Laval、Höganäs、Oatley、Shakmob、Axisなどのスウェーデンの有名企業はこの地域で創業し、現在もスコーネに拠点を置いている。












現在、この地域で最大の成長分野のひとつがビデオゲーム産業だ。『The Division 2』などのゲーム制作で知られるゲーム開発会社Massive Entertainmentは、マルメに本社を置き、約900人の従業員を擁している。スコーネ自体にも、スウェーデンのゲーム開発者の約10%が在籍している。


「Massive Entertainmentは、スコーネのゲーム産業の支柱の一つです。彼らの次のゲームは、ジェームズ・キャメロン監督の映画『アバター』をベースにしています。Massive社は、次世代のスター・ウォーズのゲーム制作にも取り組んでいます。その他、この地域で開発されている映画関連のゲームには、新しいジェームズ・ボンドのビデオゲームもあります。これはIO Interactiveという会社が開発しています。(中略)全世界で約3000億ドル(約40兆4000億円)と推定されるビデオゲーム産業は、音楽と映画産業を合わせたよりも大きな価値があると言われています。」とTedin氏は説明する。




「私が個人的に関わったケースを紹介すると、スコーネにある小さなゲームスタジオが、今年2月、日本での取引に成功しました。彼らは、自分たちのiPad用ゲームの配信に興味を持っていました。そこで私は、西洋のゲームを日本で配信している会社を紹介しました。(中略)日本企業もスウェーデン企業も、Invest in Skåneを窓口として、ビジネスを発展させることができます。どちらの市場でも足がかりを得ることができるのです」



中長期的には、Invest in Skåneは、この地域を世界有数のイノベーションとサステナビリティの拠点へとさらに変貌させる態勢を整えている。


2016年、ルンドに次世代放射光施設「MAX IV Laboratory」がオープンした。この施設は世界最高品質のX線を備えており、科学者は現在存在しない新しい材料や製品を開発することが可能になった。


2025年までに、世界で最も強力な次世代中性子源を備えた複合研究施設であるESS(European Spallation Source)がフル稼働する予定だ。この施設もまたルンドにあり、エネルギー、健康、ITなどの分野で新しいソリューションの開発を推進する。




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