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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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The latest eye-catching technologies have dramatically deflated the barriers related to collaboration, communication, and cost. But this still does not mean customer satisfaction is watertight. In fact, some might argue it inflates the risk of missed nuances and subtleties. This is why incorporating CET—Configura’s cutting edge space planning software—into the designing process of an office, kitchen, or factory/warehouse is now more important than ever. SCCJ interviewed Configura Ltd.’s General Manager & Project Manager Yee Lin Bee at the company’s office in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, to learn about their organization, their core offering, and their growth strategy for the foreseeable future.


Configura Sverige AB was co-founded by Sune Rydqvist, Göran Rydqvist, and Johan Lyreborn in 1990. It is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden. The company has offices in China, Germany, Malaysia, the United States, and since March 2022, Japan. Between 2016 and 2022 their headcount has increased from below 200 to around 300.


“My main role for the last couple of months has been setting up our office here in Tokyo. This is the first time for me based full-time in Japan, even though I understand Japanese and have worked with Configura’s Japanese clients in the past. Now being here I am humble and eager to learn about Japanese business customs,” said Ms. Bee, who joined the Malaysia office in 2016 and has since worked in China and Sweden before assuming her current position as the manager overseeing Configura’s Japan operation.


CEO Stefan Persson took over the reins from co-founder Johan Lyreborn in February 2020. Configura is on a growth trajectory and all investments are made to further accelerate this; the establishment of their Japan operation being one such example.


What separates Configura from other like-minded companies is their state-of-the-art space planning software called CET (Configura Extension Technology). Originally created by the three founders more than 30 years ago, CET is today not only a popular tool used by more than 12,000 design professionals worldwide; it is an integral part of the curricula at many universities (particularly in the US) which offer courses related to interior design.


“We are the market leader in software solutions for space planning and configuration. CET is visual, intuitive, and user-friendly. Because the graphic is 3D the designs are not only immersive; the user can easily share their ideas with a wide group of people, thus reducing the likelihood of error and miscommunication. Moreover, because users can simply drag and drop the necessary components into the layout, adjustments to the design can be made instantaneously. This helps speed up the designing process; without CET the user may have to redesign the space again from scratch. And because CET calculates the pricing automatically, it is very easy to understand the overall cost structure,”

explained Ms. Bee.


Configura’s software is offered on a subscription basis. The price ranges between $1,135 (approx. ¥152,000) and $2,125 (approx. ¥284,000) depending on the type of CET used. Because of its ingenuity and usability CET is used by some of the largest furniture companies in the US and China, the leading kitchen furniture manufacturers in the Nordic region, and many of the leading brands in the material handling and industrial machinery industries.


When asked about Configura’s growth strategy for Japan Ms. Bee provided the following response:


“We see a tremendous potential. Our short-term goal is to become a well-known brand. In our biggest market, the United States, many of our clients consider CET as an industry standard. We would like CET to attain the same level of brand recognition here in Japan, too. […] For the immediate future, we are looking for companies that we can partner with to widen our circle of opportunity. In our other markets it is very common for us to integrate our CET with a third party enterprise system such as ERP. This helps clients streamline their designing process; ultimately maximizing their return on investment (ROI),”

explained Ms. Bee.


We extend a warm welcome to Configura Ltd. as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:



最新の目を見張るようなテクノロジーは、コラボレーション、コミュニケーション、コストに関する障壁を劇的に減少させた。しかし、それでも顧客満足は完璧ではないのだ。むしろ、ニュアンスや微妙な違いを見逃してしまうリスクを高めていると言う人もいるかもしれない。そこで、オフィスやキッチン、工場・倉庫などの設計プロセスに、CET-Configura社の最先端の空間計画ソフトを組み込むことが、これまで以上に重要になってきている。SCCJは、東京都渋谷区にあるConfigura社のオフィスで、同社のゼネラルマネージャー兼プロジェクトマネージャー、Yee Lin Bee氏にインタビューを行い、同社の組織、主要製品、そして今後の成長戦略について話を聞いた。


Configura Sverige ABは、1990年にSune Rydqvist氏、Göran Rydqvist氏、そしてJohan Lyreborn氏によって共同設立された。本社はスウェーデンのリンショーピングにあり、中国、ドイツ、マレーシア、米国、そして2022年3月からは日本にもオフィスを構えている。2016年から2022年の間に、その従業員数は200人弱から約300人に増加した。




現CEOのStefan Persson氏は、2020年2月に共同創業者のJohan Lyreborn氏からその役職を引き継いだ。Configuraは成長軌道にあり、あらゆる投資はこれをさらに加速させるために行われ、日本支社の設立もその一例だという。


Configuraが他の同業他社と一線を画す理由は、CET(Configura Extension Technology)と呼ばれる最先端の空間計画ソフトウェアにある。30年以上前に3人の創業者によって作られたCETは、現在、世界中で1万2000人以上のデザイン専門家に使用されているだけでなく、インテリアデザイン関連のコースを提供する多くの大学(特に米国)でカリキュラムの不可欠な部分となっている。











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