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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Despite significant improvements in machinery equipment, safety remains a paramount concern for all businesspersons worldwide. Indeed, being caught off-guard may unwittingly dampen the company’s bottom line. That is why companies now require more than ever TROAX’s industry-leading safety solution products and services. SCCJ interviewed Troax Group AB’s Asia-Pacific Regional Director Michael Standar to learn about their corporate history, product line up, and the future trajectory of the market.


TROAX was established in 1955 and is headquartered in Hillerstorp, Sweden. The name is a portmanteau of the company’s founding family’s name (Axelsson) and the name of a key salesperson (Troedsson) who joined in 1965. Today, TROAX is a world-leading supplier of steel mesh panel solutions with around 1,100 employees working in more than 45 countries globally.


TROAX has been listed on NASDAQ Stockholm since 2015. As of March 6, 2022, their market cap stood at 12.66 billion SEK (approx. ¥146 billion). The company’s revenue in FY2021 was 252.3 million EUR (approx. ¥31.6 billion): a year-on-year increase of 54%. Their net income in FY2021 was 39.7 million EUR (approx. ¥5.0 billion): a year-on-year increase of 71%.


The Swedish company Investment AB Latour (founder: Gustav Douglas) has included TROAX on its investment portfolio since 2015. Latour is renowned for investing in companies with strong long-term growth prospects.


“When we started almost 70 years ago, the company made steel wires for shopping baskets and trolleys. Over time, we expanded into other products like steel fences. Then, about 20 years ago, we focused our business on supplying safety fences to automobile makers and other industries with high level of automation,” said Mr. Standar.


"Our goal is to create better and safer workplaces and thereby reduce the risk of serious workplace accidents. We strive to achieve this with as little negative impact on the environment as possible. We also work to ensure that our and our partners' operations are conducted under good working conditions and with a high level of business ethics,” added Mr. Standar.

“TROAX started exporting its products to Japan in 2007 or 2008. We established our Japanese Kabushiki Kaisha—Troax Safety System—by acquiring the safety fence division of our Japanese partner in 2019. As the regional director of Asia-Pacific, I’m responsible for TROAX’s operations in Japan, China, Korea, Australia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Our Chinese factory was first set up in 2012. Japan used to import everything from Sweden. But today, around 90% of the products in Japan are made in China,” explained Mr. Standar.


TROAX’s 100% high-quality steel products can be categorized into three areas: (1) Machine Guarding; (2) Warehouse Partitioning; (3) Property Protection.


The biggest of the three is Machine Guarding. This offers a wide range of mesh panel solutions and accessories to maximize both personal and machine safety at manufacturing facilities. In Japan, these include facilities owned by blue-chip automobile makers, glass manufacturers, steel companies etc.


The second biggest is Warehouse Partitioning. This area mainly targets logistics facilities and data centers. The steel partitions provide excellent visibility and ventilation. Moreover, because the partitions are meshed, water from sprinkler systems can easily reach the walls and shelves in case of fire.


The smallest of the three is Property Protection. The steel partitions can be used to prevent trespassers from entering apartment storages, garages, or bicycle storages.


“Other than these three, we also have a hybrid called Automated Warehouse. Automated Warehouse has really taken off in recent years. We expect this trend to continue going forward,” said Mr. Standar.


TROAX’s global operations are divided into five groups. The Asia-Pacific region falls under a group called New Markets. Between fiscal year 2020 and 2021, New Markets’ total sales rose from 11.8 million EUR (approx. ¥1.48 billion) to 16.2 million EUR (approx. ¥2.02 billion): a year-on-year increase of 37%.


“We are the oldest supplier of steel mesh panel solutions in Japan. TROAX’s Asia-Pacific operation is in a good position. I believe there is plenty of room for further growth,” commented Mr. Standar.


When asked about the future trajectory of the market Mr. Standar provided the following response:


“One challenge we foresee is alternative technology. Imagine a world where more factories are fully automated. It would mean fewer people and lower risk. This could possibly impact our order intake. That’s why in recent years, in addition to our hardware, we’ve started developing software services which we hope to launch soon. […] Our clients want to know where the biggest safety risks are, and what they can do to mitigate them. In order to provide a solution, the collection and analysis of data through, for instance, an app is usually required. TROAX has started providing this service in other regions. But this is still very new here in Japan.”


To learn more about TROAX please visit:


機械設備が大幅に改善されたとはいえ、安全性は世界中のビジネスパーソンにとって最も重要な関心事であることに変わりはない。確かに、油断や気のゆるみは知らず知らずのうちに会社の収益を悪化させるかもしれない。だからこそ、TROAXが提供する業界トップクラスの安全ソリューション製品とサービスが、これまで以上に企業に求められているのだ。SCCJは、Troax Group ABのアジア太平洋地域ディレクター、Michael Standar氏に、同社の歴史、製品ラインアップ、そして今後の市場の動向についてインタビューを行った。




TROAXは2015年からNASDAQ Stockholmに上場している。2022年3月6日時点の時価総額は126億6,000万スウェーデン・クローナ(約1,460億円)だ。2021年度の売上高は252.3百万ユーロ(約316億円)で前年度比54%増、当期純利益は39.7百万ユーロ(約50億円)で、前年度比71%増となった。


スウェーデンの企業Investment AB Latour(創業者:Gustav Douglas)は、2015年からTROAXを投資ポートフォリオに組み込んでいる。この企業は、長期的な成長が期待できる企業への投資で有名だ。






「TROAXは2007年か2008年に日本への輸出を開始しました。2019年に日本のパートナー会社の安全柵部門を買収し、日本の株式会社であるTroax セーフティシステムズ株式会社を設立しました。私はアジア太平洋地域のリージョナルディレクターとして、日本、中国、韓国、オーストラリア、タイ、ベトナムのTROAXのオペレーションを担当しています。中国の工場は、2012年に初めて立ち上げました。かつて日本は、スウェーデンからすべてを輸入していました。しかし、今では日本の製品の約9割が中国製です」とStandar氏は説明する。


TROAXの100%高品質なスチール製品は、 (1)機械防護安全柵、(2)倉庫用防護柵、(3)資産保護柵の3つのカテゴリーに分類される。


TROAXの100%高品質なスチール製品は、 (1)機械防護安全柵、(2)倉庫用防この3つのうち、最も大きいのが「機械防護安全柵」だ。これは、製造現場における人と機械の安全性を最大限に高めるためのメッシュパネルソリューションとアクセサリーを幅広く提供するもので、日本では、自動車メーカー、ガラスメーカー、鉄鋼会社などの優良工場が導入している。護柵、(3)資産保護柵の3つのカテゴリーに分類される。















