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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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As the 21st century goes beyond its coming-of-age phase, digital technology continues to affect, augment, and abound our everyday lives. But this transformation, at least for now, is far from being equally distributed. In Japan, what many people call digital transformation (DX) is particularly deficient in localities outside of major metropolitan areas. This is precisely the reason why Dreamly Inc. Representative Director Lars Larsson decided to launch his business in Takamatsu-city, Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku. SCCJ interviewed Mr. Larsson via Zoom to learn more about the company’s vision and future ambitions.


Mr. Larsson majored in computer science at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. After building his career in the tech startup scene in Stockholm, he moved to Japan in 2017. Thereon, he worked remotely from Kagawa Prefecture for a Tokyo-based tech startup, before founding Dreamly Inc. in January 2019.


When asked about why he decided to establish his own company, Mr. Larsson provided the following response:


“I was surprised by how underdeveloped people’s IT literacy compared to Sweden was, not only in Kagawa Prefecture, but also in other areas of Shikoku. For example, IT vendors were recommending technologies that were developed more than 20 years ago, products that are now substandard both in terms of usability and security. This had an adverse effect on the surrounding environment; not only in terms of services provided to customers, but it also stagnated the development of human resources—thus limiting the potential for further innovation. In a highly interconnected digitalized world, this was a serious problem. I started Dreamly because I wanted to bring local businesses and individuals up to speed and thus sharpen their digital edge.”


However, despite seeing an untapped niche in the market, at first, Mr. Larsson had difficulty putting his good intentions to practice. His lack of understanding of subtle cultural nuances unique to Japan’s countryside probably worked against his favor.


“At first, there were very few people who I could turn to for advice. It was quite difficult for me to establish a company, especially a tech startup. Networking was tremendously difficult; acquiring the local knowhow was a challenge, too. I believe entrepreneurship in Japan needs to become much easier, regardless of your ethnicity, background or location,”

explained Mr. Larsson.


Dreamly’s first client was a startup specializing in drone deliveries for the many islands across Japan. After that, the company worked closely with medical ventures and tourism-related companies as an IT consultancy.


After the COVID-19 pandemic came to Japan, some of Mr. Larsson’s foreign team members needed to return home. Although this disrupted Dreamly’s operations temporarily, the company quickly remolded itself to ride the government-dispatched DX tailwind that began sweeping across Japan.


“Many of our customers’ businesses were doing quite well before the pandemic. That is why they were reluctant to switch from old to new technology. But this all changed last year. In some cases, revenue decreased by up to 40%. After that, it was easier to convince them that data gathering and data analysis were important,”

explained Mr. Larsson.


Now that Dreamly’s IT consultancy business has gained traction, the company has added two new business domains to its portfolio.


“One involves the development of inhouse products. The other is the launch of a business incubation platform. I would like to see more software engineers start their own business, especially in Kagawa Prefecture and other parts of Shikoku. One of the reasons why we joined SCCJ was to connect our local business network with the Swedish business community at large. I believe this is important to spur on digital transformation in Shikoku,” exhorted Mr. Larsson.


Despite Mr. Larsson being the only non-Japanese member, Dreamly’s corporate culture is very Swedish.


“Like most Swedish organizations we have a very flat structure. I delegate a lot of responsibility to each member. Everyone has their own role, but, at the same time, we remind ourselves not to lose sight of the big picture. Right now, we have a small tightly knit team that is agile and lean” explained Mr. Larsson.


When asked about the government’s digital transformation strategy, Mr. Larsson shared with us the following insight:


“The Japanese government often uses Estonia as a case in point. But Estonia is a young country established in the 1990s. They built their IT infrastructure from scratch, with the help of surrounding countries such as Sweden and Denmark. Japan on the other hand has a very long history with a very fragmented environment of IT systems. Hence, Japan is more like Sweden in that sense. Sweden successfully navigated its digital transformation, albeit over many years. I believe Kagawa Prefecture and Shikoku can take a similar digital transformation trajectory. Due to Japan’s population shrinking, I firmly believe that if people want to maintain their current way of life, the country needs to catch up quickly. There is a lot that Japan can learn from Sweden.”


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Dreamly Inc. as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more at:



21世紀はすでに「成人」という曲がり角を過ぎた。にもかかわらず、デジタル技術は日進月歩の革新を続けており、我々の生活に影響を与えながら、日々の暮らしを豊かにしている。しかし、少なくとも今のところ、この変革が全員に平等に行き届いたとは言えない。日本においても、これは例外でない。なぜかと言えば、多くの人がデジタル・トランスフォーメーション(DX)と呼ぶものが、大都市圏以外ではほとんど普及していないからだ。この「情報格差」こそ、Dreamly Inc.で代表取締役を務めるLars Larsson氏が、四国地方の香川県高松市で会社設立を決めた最大の理由だ。SCCJは今回、Zoomインタビューを通じて同社のビジョンや将来の展望について話を聞く機会を得た。


Larsson氏はスウェーデン王立工科大学でコンピューターサイエンスを専攻した。そしてストックホルムのITスタートアップ企業でキャリアを積んだ後、2017年に日本に移住。東京に本社を置くITスタートアップ企業に香川県からリモートで働いた後、2019年1月にDreamly Inc.を創業した。





























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