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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Over the past year, people from all four corners of the world have made changes to their lifestyle and mode of work. For many, this meant spending more time in their bedroom, kitchen, and living room. Stockholm-based Electrolux is one of the globe’s leading home appliance manufacturers. Despite the ongoing challenge businesses face, the company double-downed their efforts to ensure that our new home-centered lives were healthier, more convenient, and more enjoyable than ever before. SCCJ interviewed Electrolux Japan Limited Representative Director Taka Hirai via Microsoft Teams to learn about the company’s new structure, strategy, and product line-up.


AB Electrolux (“Electrolux”) was founded by Swedish entrepreneur Axel Wenner-Gren in 1919. It was one of the first European companies to manufacture and sell the household vacuum cleaner.


Today, Electrolux has over 48,000 employees working in more than 61 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. Besides vacuum cleaners, its product portfolio includes air conditioners, cookers, dishwashers, refrigerators, and washing machines.


“Because of our long history, Electrolux has a sound reputation and a solid track record in Europe and North America. These two geographical areas make up between 70~80% of our revenue,” said Mr. Hirai.


In 2019 Electrolux’s corporate structure underwent a major tectonic shift. On January 31 of that year, the company announced it would separate its B-to-B business from its B-to-C business.


“The B-to-B business of Electrolux was made into an independent company called Electrolux Professional. Since 2019, this new company has continued serving its beverage, food, and laundry equipment to restaurants, hotels, and healthcare facilities as a separate organization. Today, there are no capital ties between Electrolux Professional and Electrolux. Electrolux Japan Limited is in charge of B-to-C operations. Hence, even after the split, we remain an integral part of Electrolux. Actually, in Japan, it was Electrolux (and not Electrolux Professional) that needed to newly apply for membership with SCCJ. That is the reason why we are doing this interview,” explained Mr. Hirai.


The new Electrolux categorizes its products into three product areas. These are: (1) Taste (2) Care (3) Wellbeing. The share of sales for each product area in FY2020 were 61%, 29%, and 10% respectively.


“Taste in Japanese is ‘Shoku’. It consists of kitchen appliances such as cookers, ovens, and refrigerators. Care in Japanese is ‘I (pronounced e)’. It consists of laundry products such as washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers. Wellbeing in Japanese is ‘Jyu’. It consists of other household items such as vacuum cleaners and air-purifiers. We strive to realize our mission—Shape Living For The Better—by creating innovative products in these three areas,”

exhorted Mr. Hirai.


In Q1 2021, Electrolux global recorded a net sales of 29,026 million SEK (approx. ¥380 billion). This was a year-on-year increase of 9.2%. The net sales for the company’s Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa operations in Q1 2021 stood at 3,871 million SEK (approx. ¥50.6 billion). This was a year-on-year increase of 12.7%.


When asked about the characteristics of Electrolux Japan Limited’s business, Mr. Hirai provided the following response:


“Electrolux’s revenue structure for this market is quite different compared to some of the other markets. For example, in Japan, our main product area is Wellbeing. In other words, vacuum cleaners and air purifiers. This product area generates around 80% of our revenue in Japan. But in some of Electrolux’s other markets, Wellbeing only makes up around 10% of total revenue.”


Due to the popularity of this product area, Electrolux decided to launch its latest air purifier products—Well A7—in Japan first, before anywhere else in the world.


“Our air purifier products – Pure A9 and Well A7 – both won the Red Dot Award: Product Design in 2020 and 2021 respectively. As these are our latest products, they come equipped with cutting-edge functions. For example, IoT (Internet of Things). Both products are selling very well in Japan. They are very popular among tech-savvy design-conscious people. In other words, customers with a good eye for air purifiers,”

explained Mr. Hirai.


Mr. Hirai ended the interview with the following words:


“Since Electrolux opened its Tokyo office in 1975, we have always strived to advance the interests of Team Sweden in Japan. This will remain unchanged, even as we re-enter the chamber as a new corporate member. We look forward to collaborating with new and existing SCCJ members alike, well into the future.”


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Electrolux Japan Limited as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:





AB Electrolux (Electrolux)はスウェーデンの実業家、Axel Wenner-Gren氏によって1919年に設立され、100年以上家庭用掃除機を製造・販売している企業として知られている。










新しいエレクトロラックスでは、製品を(1) Taste (2) Care (3) Wellbeing の3つのエリアに分けている。各エリアの2020年売上高に占める割合はそれぞれ、61%、29%、10%である。


「Tasteは日本語で”食”を意味します。具体的にはクッキングヒーター、オーブン、冷蔵庫などのキッチン家電製品を指します。Careは日本語で”衣”を意味し、洗濯機や乾燥機、食器洗い機などランドリー製品が含まれます。Wellbeingは日本語の”住”にあたり、掃除機や空気清浄機などの家電製品を指します。この3つの分野で革新的な製品を生み出すことにより、私たちの使命である“Shape Living For The Better”の実現に取り組んでいます。」






「このマーケットにおけるエレクトロラックスの収益構造は、他のマーケットと大きく異なります。たとえば、日本では、当社の主な製品分野はウェルビーイング、つまり、掃除機と空気清浄機です。この製品分野は、日本での収益の約 80% を生み出しています。ところが、エレクトロラックスの他のマーケットでは、ウェルビーイングの分野は総収益の約 10% しか占めていません。」


この製品分野の人気が高いことから、Electrolux は最新の空気清浄機製品である Well A7 を世界のどこよりも早く日本で2021年2月に発売することを決定した。


「我々の空気清浄機製品、Pure A9とWell A7は共に世界的に有名なデザイン賞の一つであるRed Dot AwardにおいてPure A9は 2020年に、Well A7は 2021に、Product Design部門にて受賞いたしました。最新の製品だからこそ、IoTなど最先端の機能が搭載されています。売れ行きは両製品ともに非常に好調です。ハイテクなものに精通した、デザイン意識の高い人々の間で特に人気があります。つまり、空気清浄機にとてもこだわりのあるお客様に選ばれています。」






