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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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In the competitive world of business discreetness does not always equal goodness. Perhaps this is one reason why the market is beset with brands that struggle to live up to their fullest potential. That is why sometimes even the world’s “good-est” brands need a little helping hand. FORGOOD, a design consultancy founded in 2014, has supported such brands better communicate their brand attributes to their customers. SCCJ visited FORGOOD Co., Ltd Chief Executive Officer Toshiharu Chiba at its office in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, to learn more about its business; in particular, the distribution of tea products made by The Tea Centre of Stockholm.


Mr. Chiba is a graphic designer by training. After working in the industry for more than 10 years he launched his own company—FORGOOD—in July 2014. The company specializes in the production and designing of websites, e-commerce sites, and smartphone applications. It also designs company logos, social-network game illustrations, and the cover art of music albums.


“We provide a wide range of production and design services. Some of the companies we have worked with in the past include well-known global corporations and Japanese blue-chip companies. We also provide consulting services related to advertisement, marketing, and brand management,” said Mr. Chiba.


In 2019 the company became an official distributor of tea products blended and exported by The Tea Centre of Stockholm in Sweden. This is the first time Mr. Chiba and his team are directly involved in the distribution of a tangible product. FORGOOD not only designed and produced the tea company’s official Japanese website——it also interacts with the end-customer face-to-face through several sales and marketing channels.


“We always wanted to implement our know-how and expertise in a B-to-C setting, too. The opportunity arose when I met the president of ROM PROJECT INC— the importer of The Tea Centre of Stockholm’s tea products. The website we helped launch describes the tea products’ brand identity, origin and history, and the best way to savor their tastes and health benefits. The customers can contact us directly, either online or offline. We hope our work will further increase the products’ brand recognition and revenue going forward,” explained Mr. Chiba.


“All teas are available in beautifully designed tin cans or in refill packages. The prices are set at ¥3,800 per 100g excluding c-tax. Hence these are slightly more expensive than most teas sold on the market. But the flavors are all rich, indulgent, and rather addictive. It didn’t take very long for me to become an enthusiast!” exhorted Mr. Chiba.


The Tea Centre of Stockholm’s tea products are all handmade. They come in six different blends and are available in three different sizes. All tea leaves are imported to Sweden from world-renowned tea producers in Sri Lanka, China, and Japan. All ingredients are organic including the fragrances used.


The Tea Centre of Stockholm was established in 1978. It was founded by Vernon Mauris—a UK-educated Sri Lankan tea blender. A long-time resident of the UK, Mr. Mauris decided to further his career as a tea blender in Sweden due to King Carl XVI Gustaf’s invitation and request.


“Back in the 1970s, tea drinking was not a widely appreciated custom in Sweden. But the king—who was highly impressed by Mauris’ tea blending skills—wanted Sweden to develop its original brand of high-end tea. Today, The Tea Centre of Stockholm is not only a purveyor to the Royal Family of Sweden; their teas are served at the Nobel Banquet held after the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm. Some years ago, the Royal Family awarded Mauris the title ‘King Of The TEA’ to honor his achievement and contribution in Sweden,” explained Mr. Chiba.


“The more I learn about Sweden—its culture, its history, its world-renowned brands—the more enchanted I become with all things related to Sweden. Through our SCCJ corporate membership, I believe my team and I can learn a lot more about Swedish businesses, especially about how a Japanese company like us can further deepen our knowledge and better communicate the attributes of an established Swedish brand,”

said Mr. Chiba.


Catching the eyes of tea enthusiasts in a highly competitive market such as Japan may not be easy.  But FORGOOD has a strong track record in bettering the delivery of its customers’ brand message. Perhaps it won’t be long until more people flock to the hokuokocha website to whet their shopping appetite.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to FORGOOD Co., Ltd as a member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:

競争の激しいビジネスの世界では、慎重にビジネスを行うことが必ずしもいいとは限らない。恐らくこれが、ビジネスの可能性を最大限に活かそうと奮闘しているブランドが市場で抱える悩みの1つだ。そのため、世界の“最高の”ブランドであってもビジネスの世界を生き抜くために誰かの助けを借りることが必要となるのである。2014年にデザインのコンサルタントとして設立されたフォーグッドは、多くのブランドの価値を消費者に伝える手助けをしてきた。SCCJは今回新宿にある株式会社フォーグッドを訪ね、代表取締役を務める千葉隼陽氏に、現在彼らが正規販売代理店として国内で販売しているスウェーデンの紅茶ブランド、北欧紅茶(The Tea Centre of Stockholm)をはじめとする彼らのビジネスについて話を聞いた。






2019年に、フォーグッドはスウェーデンの紅茶ブランド「北欧紅茶(The Tea Centre of Stockholm)」の正規販売代理店となった。彼らが実際の商品の流通に携わるのは今回が初めてだ。フォーグッドは北欧紅茶の日本オフィシャルサイト(を開発だけでなく、オンラインショップでの販売・運営やマーケティングチャンネルや販売チャンネルを通じて消費者へ直接アプローチを行っている。






北欧紅茶(The Tea Centre of Stockholm)の6種類のブレンドは4つのサイズで販売されている。紅茶の茶葉は全てスリランカや中国、緑茶は日本のものを使われており全て天然の原材料にこだわりハンドブレンドで作られている。


The Tea Centre of Stockholmは1978年にスリランカ生まれの紅茶ブレンダー、バーノン・モーリス氏によってストックホルムのセーデルマルム島に世界中の「茶」を提供するティーショップとして設立された。彼は、イギリスでブレンドの技術を磨きスウェーデンの現在の国王からの招聘を受けてスウェーデンに渡った。 スウェーデン王室から各国の王室や皇室への贈答として愛され、そして彼のブレンドスタイルである『葉』『花』『香り』が融合した「セーデルブレンド」などのオートクチュールティーが誕生した。


「当時のスウェーデン国王子(現国王カールグスタヴ)のイギリス訪問時にスウェーデンで馴染みがなかった紅茶に大変感動したことをきっかけにスウェーデン王室専用ブレンダーとしてバーノン氏を招聘しました。 北欧紅茶(The Tea Centre of Stockholm)は単なるスウェーデン王室御用達ではありません。彼らの紅茶はストックホルムで毎年開かれるノーベル賞授賞式の後に行われる晩餐会でも提供されていたのです。スウェーデン王室は紅茶に関する功績と貢献を讃えバーノン・モーリス氏に“King of The TEA”称号がスウェーデン王室から授与されました。」と千葉氏は説明する。





