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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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The term “Less is more” is often used to describe the philosophies of minimalist art and Zen Buddhism. But the term takes on another life when applied to business. It can sometimes be used, more-or-less as a fingerpost for lean thinking strategy. Orwak AB, a world-class provider of compaction and baling solutions, has supported organizations realize their waste management goals for nearly 50 years. SCCJ visited Orwak Japan K.K., Representative Director Takuya Kikuchi at their warehouse in Ota-ku, Tokyo, to learn about their organizational structure, changes in business strategy, and the market’s latest trends.


Orwak AB was founded in Sweden in 1971. It has subsidiary companies in Japan, Poland, the UK, and the US. Its product portfolio consists of balers, compactors, and briquettes. These are used for the compressing and discarding of cardboards, plastic films, combustible trash, plastic bottles etc. Their products—all made in Sweden—are distributed to around 40 countries worldwide.


“ORWAK was owned by TOMRA—a world leader in sorting and recycling solutions—from 2005 to 2014. But in December 2014, ORWAK was bought by a Swedish waste management company called San Sac Group. Some of its subsidiaries include Rubaek, EnviroPac, and ILAB,” explained Mr. Kikuchi.


In January 2020, San Sac Group was acquired by Sulo: a leading international provider of waste solutions, headquartered in France. Through this French-Swedish union the group’s total head count has gone up to more than 2,300 persons; its total revenue is expected to increase to around 500 million euros (around 60.5 billion yen).


“This February, I attended the first global meeting in France. Because both Orwak AB and San Sac Group are Swedish companies, Sulo’s corporate culture felt quite different. So far, collaborative work within the group has been limited. This is mainly due to the outbreak of Covid-19. But this will no doubt change with time. I would like ORWAK Japan to start handling some of the group’s other products this year. The group’s French products are well-suited for this market. I believe we can untap new opportunities by importing them to Japan,” said Mr. Kikuchi.


Mr. Kikuchi joined ORWAK Japan K.K.  as its sales director in 2015. He was promoted to representative director in October 2017. Since taking on this new role, he has successfully overhauled the company’s management strategy by diversifying its revenue stream.


“Until a few years ago, our customers were mainly interested in the ORWAK FLEX series ( and the ORWAK COMPACT series ( These are well-suited for recycling plastic film, and are priced between one million and three million yen. But over the last couple of years, our distribution of bigger machines have increased considerably. For example, the ORWAK POWER series ( and the BRICKMAN series ( These are priced between three million and twenty million yen. We shifted our focus because we wanted to support logistics companies better-manage their cardboard waste,” explained Mr. Kikuchi.


And despite the pandemic severely constraining Japan’s economy in 2020, demand for ORWAK Japan’s high-end products have remained buoyed. One reason is because ORWAK Japan—which has more than 3,000 customers nationwide—distributes their products to supermarkets, food retailers, and logistics operators. But according to Mr. Kikuchi, there are other factors at play.


“Simply put, the higher the price, the more automated the product is. The number of people in charge can be reduced from, say, four or five people, to just one or even none. Due to the changes in Japan’s labor force, many companies are interesting in cutting their personnel and automating their waste management operations. That’s why for some customers, it makes sense to install our high-end models,” added Mr. Kikuchi.


Another significant change introduced under Mr. Kikuchi’s leadership is ORWAK Japan’s after sales/rental/lease services. This includes regular maintenance work, repair work, procurement of parts, and onsite consulting service.


“We charge up to around one million yen per annum per product. Our balers, compressors, and briquettes can last up to around twenty years. Hence after sales services are an important revenue stream for us. This also fosters communication, enabling us to be more aware of our customers’ immediate and ongoing needs. It’s one way to develop a win-win relationship,”

explained Mr. Kikuchi.


Mr. Kikuchi believes ORWAK’s continued success will depend largely on the development and distribution of compact automated products. “At the moment, our automated products are all large. I suspect our customers, particularly in Japan, will ask us to make smaller models. That is probably where the market’s growth sector lies over the coming years,” said Mr. Kikuchi.


On May 29, ORWAK’s TOM Jr. waste compaction system was installed inside the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo. It stands next to the new vending machine packed with delicious Swedish foods.

“The touch-free operation of the bin can prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This is an important feature, especially this day and age. Hopefully we’ll see more of these in Japan going forward,”

explained Mr. Kikuchi.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to ORWAK Japan  K.K. as a member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:


「余計な物がない方が豊かである」という言葉は、しばしばミニマリストや仏教の禅の精神を表現するのにつかわれる。しかし、この言葉がビジネスの場面で使われると意味合いが変わり、無駄のない思考戦略の道しるべという意味として用いられることもある。世界を代表する圧縮梱包・減容機メーカーのOrwak ABは、およそ50年間にわたって顧客の廃棄物処理を支えるという理念を追求し続けてきた。SCCJはオーワック・ジャパン株式会社の大田区にある倉庫を訪ね、代表取締役を務める菊地卓也氏に会社のことや事業について、またマーケットのトレンドについて話を聞いた。


ORWAK ABは1971年にスウェーデンで設立され、現在は日本やポーランド、イギリス、アメリカに支社を持つ。彼らが扱う製品には半自動圧縮機、商業施設向け小型圧縮機、全自動の小・中・大型圧縮機、中・大型ベーラーがある。これらの機械は段ボールやプラスチックフィルム、可燃ごみ、ペットボトルなどの圧縮・廃棄に利用される。製品は全てスウェーデンで作られ,、世界40ヶ国で販売されている。


「ORWAKは2005年から2014年にかけて、選別やリサイクルのリーディングメーカーであるTOMRAが所有していました。しかし2014年の12月、ORWAKはスウェーデンの廃棄物処理メーカーのSan Sac Groupに買収されました。この会社の傘下にはRubaekやEnviroPac、ILABなどがいます。」と菊地氏は説明する。


今年の1月、San Sac Groupはフランスに本社を置き、国際的に有名な廃棄物処理のソリューションを提供するメーカーSuloに買収された。この買収によってできたフランスースウェーデンのグループで働く従業員の数は2,300人以上に増加した。全体の売上高は5億ユーロ(およそ605億円)に増える見込みだ。


「この2月、私はフランスで初めて開催された全社のグローバルミーティングに参加しました。Orwak ABとSan Sac Groupの双方がスウェーデンの企業なので、フランス企業であるSuloの企業文化はかなり違うと感じました。今のところ、グループ内で共同で事業を行うには限界があります。年内にはグループ企業のPETボトル破砕専用製品を私たちオーワック・ジャパンでも販売したいと考えています。このグループの製品は、マーケットの需要にとてもマッチしています。その製品を日本に輸入することで新しい事業機会が得られると信じています。」




「数年前まで、我々の顧客は主に弊社のBalers(ヒモ掛けタイプ)シリーズ( に興味を持っていました。これらの商品はプラスチックフィルムのリサイクルに適しており、値段も100万円~300万円ほどです。しかし最近はより大型の機械の販売が伸びています。例えば、弊社のPOWERシリーズ(やBRICKMANシリーズ( などです。物流企業の段ボール廃棄処理の効率化をサポートしたかったので、フォーカスする製品を変えました。特にBRICKMANは大体1000万円から2000万円ほどしますがコロナ禍においても売上は好調です。」













5月29日、ORWAKのTOM Jr.というダストボックスがスウェーデン大使館に導入された(。最近設置されたスウェーデンの食べ物を扱う自動販売機の隣に置かれている。


