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upcoming event

  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Sweden as a food nation has worked several decades to establish and maintain a reliable reputation for our safe and exceedingly tasty food products. We have strict and high standards, not only regarding food production in general, but also for animal welfare and use of antibiotics. Furthermore, Swedish companies and authorities have ambitious environmental and climate related goals regarding food waste and energy use. Still, there is lots of room for improvement regarding sustainable food production, innovative products and packaging, being responsible consumers and reducing food waste.


In Sweden, approximately 400,000 tonnes of food is disposed of every year, which means that one third of all food produced ends up in the garbage. Although it would still be fine to eat. How can we get these numbers down and get more involved in our climate? The food waste is a problem, but at the same time an opportunity as it means a potential resource that can be started to be taken care of. Paul Svensson has been working on these issues for a long time and, among other things, ran the pop-up restaurant Retaste where everything in the menu is cooked on ingredients that would otherwise end up in the soup bag.


Beyond organic is about the whole life-cycle related to food and sustainability. At the Beyond Organic seminar, Paul talked about his commitment to the sustainable meal and shares his best tips on how we can minimize food waste and have a sustainable food industry with superior taste.  The seminar ended with a tasting session with Paul’s “zero waste snacks”.


About Try Swedish
Beyond Organic is a concept within the Try Swedish platform. Updated on is information about where to find Swedish food and drink products in Japan. Stay tuned #tryswedishjapan on Instagram for regular updates on Sweden related food & beverage news in Japanese, upcoming Try Swedish activities as well as recipe inspiration.


スウェーデン大使館では、この度、豊かな自然と伝統の中で育まれたスウェーデンの食文化とライフスタイルを広く伝える「TRY SWEDISH!」の一環として、持続可能な食のエコシステムに関するスウェーデンの取り組みを紹介するキャンペーン「Beyond Organic」日本版をローンチしました。 昨今、世界規模で持続可能な未来へ向けた取り組みが注目を集める中、スウェーデンでは、特に環境や社会を考えた消費を心がける人が多く、持続可能性に配慮した商品に対する関心も年々高まっています。


実際にスウェーデンでは、2018年の食品における総売上のうちオーガニックフードが占める割合は9.6%(3兆3,000億円以上)と、高い水準にあります。これは他のEUの国々と比較しても高く、年々増加傾向にあります。日本と比較するとX倍にのぼり、食品の選び方など消費者の意識に大きな違いがあることがうかがえます。 日本語版公式WEBサイト(ならびに公式Instagramアカウント(@tryswedishjapan)など、オンラインでの情報発信を行うと同時に、本キャンペーンのローンチを記念して、スウェーデンのオーガニックフードや、スウェーデンらしい暮らしができる賞品が抽選でXX名様に当たるBeyond Organic プレゼントキャンペーンを、本日2月18日(火)より公式Instagramアカウントにて展開します。また、スウェーデンで最も著名なシェフの一人であり、食をとりまく環境問題に精力的に取り組むポール・スヴェンソン氏による環境に配慮したレシピを日本語版公式WEBサイトで特別に公開します。

Photo Credit: Said Karlsson