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upcoming event

  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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The world is full of unknown products. That is why, for consumers to improve the quality and variety of products they use on a day-to-day basis, they must be prepared to not only acknowledge, but sometimes also embrace what some people call a "black swan" (i.e. something completely inconceivable until one finally sees it). As a wholesaler of Scandinavian products in Japan, Scanjap Incorporated is responsible for providing an eclectic range of carefully selected "black swan-like" Scandinavian products to its customers in Japan. SCCJ visited its founder and president Ms. Yoko Kaiki to learn more about its product portfolio at their office in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.


Ms. Kaiki founded Scanjap Incorporated after winning first prize at an entrepreneurship award run by the Kanagawa Prefectural Government (KPG) in February 2006. Over the years, KPG has supported many talented young entrepreneurs such as Ms. Kaiki jump start their venture businesses. "I'm very grateful for the support KPG provided when I first started Scanjap. They not only provided the grant for me to kickstart the business; they also provided the legal and financial know-how necessary to get the company launched through their business incubation arm Sagamihara Incubation Center (SIC)" commented Ms. Kaiki.


Scnjap is best known by its stakeholders a s a wholesaler of reflector products. "This is the one product we have wholesaled since I started the company 13 years ago" said Ms. Kaiki. These reflectors, which are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes. are all OEM products by Scandinavian companies (including Swedish). As a B-to-B product, one of the most prominent purchasers of Scnajap's reflectors in Japan is the Toyota Motor Corporation. Scanjap's reflectors are also available for purchase at various shops and outlets across the country as a B-to-C product. "For example, some of the designs on our reflectors include Studio Ghibli animation characters like Totoro. Another example is Snoopy" added Ms. Kaiki.


When asked about what separates Scanjap from its competitors, Ms. Kaiki, after a moment of reflection provided the following answer:


"We not only wholesale existing reflectors from Scandinavia. We can also work as a conduit between Japan and Scandinavia to create entirely new reflectors tailor-made for our clients. I believe this to be one of our greatest strengths".


Another product wholesaled by Scanjap is clothing textiles made by Panduro Hobby AB - a leading Swedish hobby craft company founded in 1958. " In Sweden, Panduro Hobby distributes a wide range of products. But we only import and wholesale their clothing textiles, here in Japan. Even though we are a very small company, Panduro Hobby has supported us very generously since we started doing busiess together back in 2010. Today, in terms of product category, the clothing textiles we wholesale from Panduro Hobby are just as important, if not more important, than the reflectors I talked about earlier" said Ms. Kaiki.


When asked about their most recently wholesaled product, Ms. Kaiki gave IDUN Minerals - a well-known Swedish beauty brand - as an example. "IDUN minerals' products only use highly purified minerals. For example, titanium, which helps keep the skin moist and healthy. Hence, their products are suitable even for people with very sensitive skin. It is the only make-up brand available at all Apoteket pharmacy stores in Sweden. Also, it is the only cosmetics product recommended by Sweden's Asthma and Allergy Association" commented Ms. Kaiki.


Ms. Kaiki, who is originally from Kobe-city in Hyogo Prefecture, has never lived in Sweden. But Ms. Kaiki said she has had the good fortune of meeting many Swedish people since her university days. That is why, despite having travelled to Sweden only as a visitor, Ms. Kaiki understands very well: "not only about Swedish culture and how Swedish people conduct business. I also have a pretty good understanding of what Swedish people enjoy, how they think, and the subtle nuances hinted in their behavior. As someone who deals with Swedish businesses on a day-to-day basis, I believe this understanding has helped me a lot over the years".


However, even for her, there my still be "black swan-like" products. That is why Ms. Kaiki very much looks forward to learning more about Swedish businesses and prodcuts through both old and new friends at future SCCJ events.


You can find out more about Scanjap Incorporated at :



世界は未知のものであふれている。だからこそ、消費者が毎日使う製品の品質を上げたり、種類を増やすためには、時にはブラックスワンのように全く想像のできないものを受け入れることも時には必要である。北欧製品の日本における卸売業者として、有限会社スカンジャップ インコーポレーテッドは慎重に選定された”ブラックスワンのような”製品を日本の消費者に届けている。今回SCCJは千代田区にあるオフィスを訪ね、代表取締役を務める海木 庸子氏に話を聞いた。


海木氏は2006年の2月に、神奈川県が主催するアントレプレナーシップアワードで優勝したことをきっかけに有限会社スカンジャップ インコーポレーテッドを設立した。神奈川県は長年にわたり才能のある海木氏のような若い起業家がベンチャービジネスを始めるのを支援してきた。「私は当初スカンジャップを始めたとき、神奈川県から多くのサポートを受けられたことにとても感謝しています。事業を始める際の補助金をいただいただけでなく、会社を興すうえで大切な法律や経理のノウハウを、ビジネスインキュベーションである相模原インキュベーションセンターを通じて支援してくれたからです。」







スカンジャップが販売しているまた別の商品は、Panduro Hobby ABという1958年に設立されたスウェーデンの手工芸用品の会社が手掛ける衣類用の生地だ。「スウェーデンでは、Panduro Hobbyは様々な製品を扱っています。ただ、私たちは、ここ日本に衣類用の生地を輸入し、販売しています。私たちはとても小さな会社ですが、Panduro Hobbyは我々とビジネスを始めた2010年からとても親切にしてくれています。現在、プロダクトのカテゴリーから見ると、Panduro Hobbyから卸している生地は先ほどお話した反射材と同じくらい大切なものです。」と海木氏は語る。


一番最近に取り扱いを開始した製品について尋ねると、海木氏はスウェーデンの有名な化粧品ブランドであるIDUN Mineralsを例に挙げた。「IDUN Mineralsの製品は高精製されたミネラルのみを使用しています。例えば、チタンは肌の潤いと健康を保つのに役に立ちます。したがって、彼らの製品は肌がとても敏感な人も使うことができるのです。このブランドはスウェーデンの薬局Apoteket全店で購入できるただ一つの化粧品ブランドです。また、スウェーデンの喘息アレルギー協会が推薦する唯一の化粧品なのです。」






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