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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Japan is a country scarce in natural resources. That is why it is one of the world's largest importers of coal, natural gas, and oil. But the Japanese government is currently implementing measures to change this reality. 

Over the coming decades, it plans to diversify the country's energy mix by relying less on fossil fuel and nuclear energy. As a company equipped with the know-how and experience in generating alternative energies such as geothermal, Climeon, a Swedish company founded in 2011, believes it can help Japan better-utilize some of its untapped resources.

SCCJ visited Climeon Japan Representative Mr. Andreas Grenninger at their office in Minato-ku, Tokyo, to learn more about the company and its trajectory going forward.


Climeon was founded in 2011 by Thomas Öström and Joachim Karthäuser. The company positions itself as a clean-tech vendor. It is equipped with the know-how and technology needed to generate environmentally-friendly energy. The company is listed on the Stockholm Nasdaq Stock Exchange and is headquartered in Stockholm.

Climeon generates electricity from hot water - that hot water being either waste heat or geothermal heat. Waste heat is heat that is produced by machines as they are being used. The machines Climeon produces electricity from include ship engines and steel plant equipment. Geothermal heat is heat that is found in the ground. For example, hot springs.

"We use the same technology for both waste heat and geothermal heat. This technology was developed and patented by the two founders. We have customers like SAAB, Virgin Voyages, Viking Line, and Maersk Line for our waste heat business. For geothermal heat, because of the nature of the business, none of our clients are household names" explained Mr. Grenninger.

Mr. Grenninger also explained that Japan is the first country outside of Sweden Climeon established its office in. "Japan is sitting on the third largest geothermal resource in the world. That's why we decided that we needed to be in Japan. Japan also has what is called a Feed-in Tariff (FiT) system. This means we can sell the energy we produce at a set price of 40 yen per kilowatt per hour (kWh) for 15 years. This is governed by METI and was introduced soon after the earthquake in 2011. The price per kWh has gone down for energies such as solar. But for geothermal, it's still set at the original price"added Mr. Grenninger, highlighting the stable income flow FiT can provide to a company like Climeon.

At present, Climeon is developing projects in several prefectures across Japan. The company uses a system called Climeon Heat Power to produce electricity. "We would typically put up a 500 kilowatt to one megawatt powerplant. The footprint is very small compared to solar. You don't need a big piece of land and we simply need to rent the land from the owner" explained Mr. Grenninger.

Climeon Heat Power is unique because it can produce electricity from low temperature geothermal heat - temperatures ranging from 70 to 120 degrees Celsius. Because sources of low temperature geothermal heat exist closer to the ground, not only can the technology shorten a project's exploration time, it can also significantly reduce a project's drilling cost.

Mr. Grenninger, an engineer by training, build his career working as a management consultant and within the telecom industry for more than 15 years, before joining Climeon in 2016. Prior to his move to Japan in 2019, he headed up the Delivery and Services organization in Climeon's Stockholm office. 

"My main responsibility here in Japan is team building. Our plan is to do business here in Japan not just for the short term, but for the long term. My job is to ensure that we hire the right people and to lead the company in the right direction. We are here to help the Japanese government realize its energy goals. We are also here to contribute to the wellbeing of the local communities we do business in. The money for the FiT system is coming from the taxpayers. That's why it's important that we reinvest our money in Japan. For example, by revitalizing rural Japan through job creation and paying income tax" explained Mr. Grenninger.

Mr. Grenninger belives that as a young Swedish company new to Japan, there is a lot about local business customs and culture that Climeon can learn from other SCCJ members. "Because of our business model, we need to deal with a lot of local people all over Japan. That's why, having a good understanding of how business is done in Japan is important. We will likely have more expats joining our office in Tokyo from Sweden. We are hoping to get some advice from other Swedish companies who have been doing business here for many years" explained Mr. Grenninger.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Climeon as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about Climeon at:

SCCJはこの度港区にあるClimeonのオフィスを訪れ、日本の代表を務めるAndreas Grenninger氏に企業のことと今後の展望について話を聞いた。


Climeonは2011年にThomas Öström氏とJoachim Karthäuser氏によって設立された。この企業は自身をクリーンテックの開発者と位置付けており、環境に優しいエネルギーを生み出すのに必要なノウハウや技術を持っている。ストックホルムに本社があり、ストックホルムのナスダック証券取引所に上場している。

Climeonは廃熱や地熱などから出たお湯から電気を生み出す。廃熱は船のエンジンや製鉄所の設備など、機械を動かすことで発生する熱のことである。地熱は温泉のように地中に存在する熱だ。「私たちは廃熱と地熱、どちらに対しても同じ技術を使っており、これは2人の設立者によって開発され、特許を取得したものです。廃熱のビジネスでは、SAAB, Virgin Voyages, Viking LineやMaersk Lineなどが我々の顧客です。地熱については、ビジネスの特徴ゆえ、誰もが知っているような企業は顧客におりません。」とGrenninger氏は説明する。


現在、Climeonでは日本にある複数の都道府県で開発プロジェクトを進めている。ClimeonではClimeon Heat Powerと呼ばれるシステムで電気を生み出している。「我々は通常500キロワットから1メガワット程度の発電所を設置します。設置面積は太陽光発電に比べるととても小さいのです。大きな土地を用意する必要はなく、ただ土地の所有者から土地をかりるだけで良いのです」

Climeon Heat Powerは低い温度でも発電ができる点で他とは一線を画す。お湯の温度は70度から120度の間で発電が可能という。低温の熱源は地表付近にあるため、プロジェクトの探査時間を短縮できるだけでなく、掘削費用を大幅に削減できるのも強みとなっている。



