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<SOLD OUT>Nordic Share & Connect: Transforming Health with Novo Nordisk Pharma Japan

  • 19 March 2025 17:30 - 19:15

  • Novo Nordisk Japan HQ office in Tokyo



Join us for Nordic Share & Connect, explore Novo Nordisk Pharma Japan and hear about the company's latest developments, including their new mid-term strategy. Kasper Bødker Mejlvang, President & Representative Director, will also be speaking.

Join DCCJ, FCCJ, ISCCJ, NCCJ, and SCCJ for another exciting Nordic Share & Connect event. You'll have the opportunity to learn about Novo Nordisk Pharma Japan and hear insights from the team on the company’s future direction in Japan and internationally.

On Wednesday, March 19th, at the Novo Nordisk Pharma Japan’s HQ office in Tokyo,  participants will have the exciting opportunity to learn about the company and its new mid-term strategy. Kasper Bødker Mejlvang, President & Representative Director and a director on the DCCJ board, will also share his insights on the company’s initiatives and the latest industry trends.


About Novo Nordisk Pharma

Founded in Denmark in 1923, Novo Nordisk is a global leader in healthcare, focusing on the treatment of diabetes, obesity, rare endocrine disorders, and blood disorders. With almost a century of innovation, the company continues to lead in research and development, expanding into new therapeutic areas. Novo Nordisk is committed to sustainable growth, emphasizing disease prevention, improving access to treatment, and environmental responsibility.

Novo Nordisk's Japanese subsidiary was established in 1980 and is headquartered in Tokyo. With over 1,100 employees and 53 sales offices across Japan, the company is committed to expanding its business, addressing social challenges, and improving patient outcomes across various health sectors.

If you're involved in business in Japan, especially in health or pharmaceuticals, this is an event you won’t want to miss.

About Nordic Share & Connect

An event series created and hosted by the Nordic Chambers, including DCCJ, FCCJ, ISCCJ, NCCJ, and SCCJ. The initiative opens the doors of prominent businesses in the Nordic Business Community in Japan to share insights on their industry, business practices, and current market trends, fostering networking and collaboration within the Nordic-Japanese community.



17:00 Doors open

17:30 Company Introduction

17:40 Presentation

18:10 Q&A

18:30 Networking (Light refreshments will be served.)

19:15 End


Organized by: Nordic Networks Japan (DCCJ, FCCJ, ISCCJ, NCCJ, and SCCJ) 

*Important Access Reminder: The Novo Nordisk office is located on the 13th floor of the Meiji Yasuda Life Building. All participants must first check in on the 3rd floor, where staff will then guide you to the 13th floor.



About the Speaker

Kasper Bødker Mejlvang (KSME)

Novo Nordisk Pharma, SVP Region Japan


Kasper joined Novo Nordisk in 2002 and has worked in various leadership roles across several geographies. Kasper held roles in different part of the value chain such as Global P&O, Product Supply, Research & Development, and International Operations. He held several leadership roles in manufacturing heading up Insulin API manufacturing, Product Supply Global Support followed by heading up the production site in Chartres, France leading a large turnaround of the site and growing it to more than 1,100 FTEs. Prior to his relocation to Japan, he was the General Manager of the Danish affiliate. Both in his current and previous roles, Kasper has played an active role in the health care system as he was the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the Danish pharmaceutical trade association as well as he is currently the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Japan. Kasper was born in 1977 and holds an MSc Management, MSc in Psychology and an Executive MBA degree.


ノボ ノルディスク ファーマ ジャパン代表取締役社長のキャスパー ブッカ マイルヴァン氏をお迎えし、同社の新たな成長戦略についてご講演いただきます。

DCCJ、FCCJ、ISCCJ、NCCJ、SCCJと一緒に、今年もエキサイティングなNordic Share & Connectシリーズに参加しませんか?今回は、ノボ ノルディスク ファーマ ジャパンについて理解を深めていただくとともに、同社の日本および世界における今後の方向性について経営陣からお話を伺います。

3月19日(水)、東京のノボ ノルディスク ファーマ ジャパン本社にて、ノボ ノルディスク ファーマの代表取締役社長であり、DCCJ理事を務めるキャスパー ブッカ マイルヴァン氏が、会社の概要と新たな成長戦略に加えて、同社が現在取り組んでいることや最新の業界動向についてご紹介します。


ノボ ノルディスク ファーマについて

1923年にデンマークで設立されたノボ ノルディスクは、糖尿病、肥満治療、希少内分泌疾患、血液疾患の治療に注力するヘルスケアのグローバルリーダーです。約1世紀にわたる技術革新により、同社は研究開発をリードし続け、新たな治療領域に進出しています。ノボ ノルディスクは持続可能な成長を目指し、疾病予防、治療へのアクセス改善、環境への責任を重視しています。

ノボ ノルディスクの日本法人は1980年に設立され、東京に本社を置いています。



Nordic Share & Connectについて




17:00 開場

17:30 会社紹介

17:40 プレゼンテーション

18:10 質疑応答

18:30 懇親会(軽いリフレッシュメントをご用意しております。)

19:15 終了

主催 北欧ネットワークス・ジャパン(DCCJ、FCCJ、ISCCJ、NCCJ、SCCJ) 

ノボ ノルディスクのオフィスは明治安田生命ビル13階にございます。参加される方は、まず3階で受付をお済ませの上、スタッフが13階までご案内いたします。



キャスパー ブッカ マイルヴァン
ノボ ノルディスク ファーマ SVP 日本地域担当

2002年にノボ ノルディスクに入社。グローバルP&O、製品供給、研究開発、国際業務など、バリューチェーンのさまざまな部門で職務を歴任。製造部門では、インスリン原薬の製造、製品供給グローバルサポート、フランスのシャルトルにある製造拠点の責任者などを歴任。日本に赴任する前は、デンマークの関連会社のジェネラル・マネージャーを務めた。デンマークの製薬業界団体の理事会副議長を務め、現在は欧州製薬団体連合会日本支部の理事会副議長を務めるなど、医療制度において積極的な役割を果たしている。1977年生まれ。経営学修士、心理学修士、エグゼクティブMBAを取得。

  • Wednesday March 19th, 17:30 - 19:15

  • Novo Nordisk Japan HQ office in Tokyo

  • Meiji Yasuda Life Building 13F, 2 Chome-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0005

  • Free of charge (for SCCJ members only)

  • Free of charge (for SCCJ members only)

  • Number of participants is very limited and reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. The deadline for registration and cancellation is on March 16, 2025.
