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Past event

Joint Nordic Knowledge Evening: Cybersecurity - The Two-Edged Sword of Social Media

  • 21 February 2017 18:30 - 20:30

  • Embassy of Sweden

Joint Nordic Knowledge Evening

Organized by SCCJ

Cybersecurity and The Double-Edged Sword of Social Media

How it can help, and hurt, your business and brand


Social media has become the platform for businesses to engage users, clients and customers. It is estimated companies will spend $35.98 billion this year, representing 16.0% of all digital ad spending globally. One facet of SNS that is rearing its ugly head these days is the damage and negative impact it can have on your business as we can see in the news everyday. Both individuals and organizations get their identity hijacked, leading to misuse, abuse, defamation and often financial consequences for the victim. Just a simple thing like connecting your smartphone to an open and free WiFi point to check in at your Facebook account could be the opportunity for an attacker to get in and start messing around with your corporate computer system! There are a number of simple things to watch out for that can make a major difference to your private and corporate cybersecurity when properly handled.  

So how to protect and prepare yourself and your business for possible negative SNS influence on your business? At this Knowledge Evening event, we will assemble a panel of SNS experts to identify these possible dangers and discuss what companies, and individuals, can and should do to protect themselves - both preemptively and in a damage control scenario. Sharing their experiences and leading the discussions will be Mr. Keiron Cashell from SCCJ corporate member GplusMedia, and Keith Martin and Anti Tuomi from FCCJ corporate member F-Secure.

And there will be plenty of time for questions and discussions, mingle and networking with drinks and some food before we start, all of which is at the core of a Knowledge Evening.

  • Tuesday February 21st, 18:30 - 20:30

  • Embassy of Sweden

  • 1-10-3-100 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo

  • Members 3,000 yen, Non-members 4,000 yen.

  • Members 3,000 yen, Non-members 4,000 yen.

  • Either click on the "Sign Up" tag above, or a quick email to Deadline for Cancellations: Monday February 20th, 2017