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Event Report: SCCJ Crayfish Party

Event Report: SCCJ Crayfish Party

Submitted by administrator on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 11:45

SCCJ organized Crayfish Party at Embassy of Sweden on September 27.

Over 100 people joined from various companies, as well as Ambassador Pereric Högberg.

We sang Helan Går with Ambassador to start the party. 


Guest enjoyed food, drinks and crayfish in Swedish style, having a great time with new and old friends sitting next each other!

A message from SCCJ Chairman on EBC & SCCJ

A message from SCCJ Chairman on EBC & SCCJ

Submitted by administrator on Sat, 09/28/2019 - 11:57

Dear Member of SCCJ,

As you may be aware, SCCJ has during a number of years been considering withdrawing from EBC (European Business Council in Japan) with the main reason being that we have considered the EBC fees being too high – actually being one of the single-biggest expense items for the Chamber with around 7% of the yearly budget. We have not managed to come to a compromise on the fee levels and have therefore decided to withdraw. The decision was made with unanimous approval by all Directors of SCCJ.

Signed Agreement on Working Holiday Visa Program (English, Japanese, and Swedish)

Signed Agreement on Working Holiday Visa Program (English, Japanese, and Swedish)

Submitted by administrator on Tue, 08/27/2019 - 11:42

Working Holiday Visa Program

The Governments of Sweden and Japan has today signed a Working Holiday Agreement.

The Agreement strengthen long-term bilateral relations between the countries and provides opportunities for young people between the age of 18 and 30 to experience the culture and general way of life in Sweden and Japan.

Event Report: Scandinavian Craft Beer Evening

Event Report: Scandinavian Craft Beer Evening

Submitted by administrator on Fri, 08/02/2019 - 10:06

The 5 Nordic chambers (DCCJ, FCCJ, ISCCJ, NCCJ, and SCCJ) co-organized Scandinavian Craft Beer Evening at Coaster, Craft Beer and Kitchen (Shimokitazawa) on Thursday, August 1st.

The seats were limited to 100, which sold out surprisingly quickly. SCCJ had a great turnout with over 70 guests  joining the event. 

SCCJ Mentoring Program 2019-2020 メンタリングプログラムのご案内

SCCJ Mentoring Program 2019-2020 メンタリングプログラムのご案内

Submitted by administrator on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 11:13

After a successful launch of the first mentoring program as part of WIN we are open for new mentors and mentees to join starting in October 2019. This program is for SCCJ members only and it is free to join.

Get new perspectives, get insights from professionals outside your own company. Mentors and mentees are matched from different companies. Our mentoring committee will match mentors and mentees based on profiles for best fit.


Pictures: Sweden National Day Celebration 2019

Pictures: Sweden National Day Celebration 2019

Submitted by administrator on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 10:42

Over 800 guests participated on Sunday, June 9th at Embassy of Sweden. Thank you Embassy of Sweden for co-hosting this event with us. SCCJ would like to thank all food & beverage suppliers who served guests throughout the day.  Our appreciation also goes to companies providing lots of fun for all children attending. 


Thank you to our all sponsors for making this day possible!


Event Report: Panel Discussion with Volvo Car Japan, Jaguar Land Rover, and Smart Eye

Event Report: Panel Discussion with Volvo Car Japan, Jaguar Land Rover, and Smart Eye

Submitted by administrator on Tue, 05/28/2019 - 13:43

SCCJ and BCCJ (British Chamber of Commerce in Japan) co-hosted a panel discussion event on May 21 regarding the future of mobility connected to the concept of ACES - Automated, Connected, Electric and Shared vehicles. Some 70 participants from BCCJ and SCCJ joined to get a glimpse of what the future will bring in terms of personal transportation. Takayuki Kimura, President of Volvo Car Japan and Martin Krantz, Founder and CEO of Smart Eye joined the panel together with Magnus Hansson, President of Jaguar Land Rover Japan. The panel was led by journalist Yumi Kawabata. 

Report: Ambassador's CEO Advisory Board with the Chairman of Keidanren

Report: Ambassador's CEO Advisory Board with the Chairman of Keidanren

Submitted by administrator on Wed, 05/22/2019 - 16:42

On May 16th, Ambassador Magnus Robach hosted the second Ambassador's CEO Advisory Board in his residence.

This time, we were honored to have Mr. Hiroaki Nakanishi, Chairman, Keidanren and Executive Chairman, Hitachi Ltd. join us at the event.


There were 10 representatives from our SCCJ Gold Corporate Members:

Alfa Laval K.K.

Astra Zeneca

Atlas Copco K.K.

Report: SCCJ Academy - Swedish Business School 2019 Spring

Report: SCCJ Academy - Swedish Business School 2019 Spring

Submitted by administrator on Wed, 05/22/2019 - 14:53

On May 17, SCCJ organized SCCJ Academy, where employees can learn know more about Sweden, its culture as well as the lifestyle in Sweden.


We had 30 participants from following companies:

Atos Medical

CellMark Japan

Edith Grove



Mölnlycke Health Care

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