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News from Members : New Flower & Green Gift, “Kruka Tower” by Wexthuset Japan
NEWS | from SCCJ

News from Members : New Flower & Green Gift, “Kruka Tower” by Wexthuset Japan

18 February 2019 | Written by administrator


Wexthuset Japan are happy to announce a new Flower & Green Gift delivery service, ”Kruka Tower (Tower pots)”. This Swedish vertical plant pot tower full of Flowers & Green arrangements will be delivered to your important customers, business partners, family, or friends. It looks more elegant than other flower gifts like orchid. Height is about 100cm in 50x50cm square basement.

We will deliver and assemble the pots at designated venue. At the moment it is available in Kanto Area, but other areas are also possible, please contact us for details.

This planted greens can last long for around 1-2 years depending on the surrounding condition. Therefore, this can be an interior green to display in the venue. In addition, the pots are reusable, so flowers and greens can be replaced by new ones to grow.
We are providing maintenance service as well.




SCCJ Member Seco Tools Japan K.K. kindly ordered several pots, and gave us great feedback and satisfaction. They ordered for the house usage and gifts. CEO of Seco Tools Japan K.K. Mr. Tsuruhisa commented,

“I enjoy myself every time I take care of this plants. Before Kruka Tower came to our office it looked rather boring, full of desks, shelves, and documents. Looking after the plants makes me feel relaxed and helps me forget about my daily tasks. It also gives me new inspiration for my job. It is a precious moment when I found a fresh sprout coming out. Kruka Tower is a great gift and interior item for the office or home and it brings lots of joy.”





Service Detail

5 pots in a set with basement and floor guard.


Standard model  32,500JPY (excl. Tax)

Premium model  62,500JPY (excl. Tax)

*we can arrange by your budget. 3-4 pots layer also available

**Flowers and greens depend on the season or the market 


Free shipping within Kanto Area.

(outside of Kanto: quote additional shipping charge)


Celebration Card or plate is free of charge.








北欧ガーデニングストアのWEXTHUST JAPANはこの度新しいサービスとしてスウェーデン製のタワー型植木鉢を使った生花木の贈答花を始めました。



Kruka Towerは生花木による寄せ植えタイプの植木鉢で、垂直に積み上げるため、場所を取らずにボリュームのあるアレンジが可能です。高さ約1mアレンジは他の贈答花から群を抜いて目立ちます。また、鉢植えなので、お世話をしていただくことでお祝いの用途が終わっても室内のインテリアグリーンとして1-2年はお楽しみいただけます。さらに、中身を入替えることでイメージを変えてお楽しみいただくことも可能です。別途メインテナンスサービスや植替えのフォローも行っております。


すでにSCCJメンバーのSeco Tools Japan株式会社様にもご利用いただいており、自社オフィス用と贈答用でご好評をいただいております。




エレガントで豪華な新しい贈答花Kruka Towerを是非大切なお客さまのお祝いやオフィスのインテリアとしてご利用ください。




STANDARD モデル 32,500円(税別)

PREMIUM モデル 62,500円(税別)











