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  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Beer, in many ways, is a lot like the economy. Both heat up, cool down, form bubbles, go flat, and can be very rewarding when savored at the right timing, with the right group of people. If a Japanese draught beer can help break down the “tongue” barrier and keep money talks flowing, there’s no reason a Swedish craft beer cannot do the same. SCCJ interviewed Brewski Founder and Head Brewer Marcus Hjalmarsson to ask about their beers, their business in Japan, and how they will “brew” their business going forward.


Brewski is a family-owned brewery based in Helsingborg. Helsingborg is a city located in Skåne County, south Sweden. Geographically the brewery is positioned closer to Copenhagen than it is to Stockholm. Marcus Hjalmarsson founded Brewski in 2014, after deciding to make beer brewing his full-time career.


“We are a Swedish family company with the vision of being at the forefront as a world-class brewery. Our mission is creativity, long-term responsibility, passion, as well as creating taste experiences in a class of its own. […] Beer is my passion and hobby. The social part of running an international brewery is very stimulating: being able to travel the world, make new friends, and spreading the beer gospel wherever I go—all of these are also very fulfilling,” explained Marcus.


Since Brewski isn’t Marcus’s surname, we had to ask him how it became the brewery’s name. Marcus explained he first heard the word from a fellow beer-connoisseur on one of his trips:


“Brewski is a slang for beer. I first heard the word in 1996, when I visited my brother who lived in Vancouver, Canada. He took me to a taproom located in a micro-brewery in downtown Vancouver and one of the bartenders there served me the word together with a beer. It obviously left an impression on me ever since.”


Marcus’s passion for exploring, curiosity, and willingness to venture outside his comfort zone has today resulted in Brewski exporting their beer to more than 35 countries worldwide.


“We decided to expand our business to Japan because I have a huge personal interest in Japan and its culture. In some ways it’s very similar to Swedish culture, but in other ways very different. The Japanese mentality suits me very well, I enjoy traveling around the country, and I love the amazing food scene. […] I definitely think Japanese beer drinkers will grow an interest in our beer. In the future, I really want to create beers exclusively for Japan. This is just one out of many ideas, but I’d love to make a rice lager aged in white oak,” said Marcus.


If you’d like to purchase Brewski’s beers in Japan, please visit the following website:


“DIG THE LINE (DTL) is a craft beer retailer and trading company based in Kyoto. We have a very amicable and well-established relationship with DTL. They import craft beer from all across Europe, not only Sweden. We help them with the importing of beer from Nordic countries. […] Our dream is to one day open a brewery and a couple of bars in Japan. That’s why we are grateful to have a business relationship with a local company like DTL,” explained Marcus.


Brewski is also planning to open beer shops and beer bars in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and the US between now and 2024.


“But that’s for the future. At the moment my main role is to make sure Brewski survives the Coronavirus pandemic. Post-COVID, I’ll make sure more Brewski beers will be available worldwide […] By the way, I myself am not brewing so much beer anymore. These days my main responsibility is deciding our beers’ concept and recipe. Though, that doesn’t mean I never go inside the brewery. Once in a while I sneak in there to make a beer or two. I can’t help it. After all, beer is my passion,”

said Marcus.


When asked about Brewski’s top-selling product Marcus gave us the following response:


“At the moment our best sellers are Pango IPA, Triple Berry Pie, and BFF (Blueberry Fluff Forever). Pango IPA is made from mango, passionfruit, and pineapple. Triple Berry Pie is a kettle sour ale with blueberry, raspberry and black currant. BFF is a kettle sour ale, too. It has blueberry, marshmallows, and tons of love!”


If you haven’t already tried these colorful, tasty, out-of-the-world craft beers, we highly recommend you do so in the near future!


You can find out more about Brewski at:



ビールは、多くの点で経済に似ている。熱し、冷やし、泡を立て、そして最適なタイミングで、最高の仲間と味わうことで、大きな収穫を得ることができるのだ。日本の生ビールが「舌」の壁を取り払い、お金の流れを作ることができるのなら、スウェーデンのクラフトビールが同じことができないはずはない。SCCJでは、Brewskiの創業者でありヘッドブルワーのMarcus Hjalmarsson氏にインタビューを行い、彼らのビールや日本でのビジネス、そして今後どのようにビジネスを "醸造 "していくのかについて話を聞いた。






「私たちは、"ワールドクラスのブルワリーとして最前線に立つ "というビジョンを持つスウェーデンのファミリー企業です。私たちの使命は、創造性、長期的な責任、情熱、そして他にはない味覚体験を創造することです。(中略)ビールは私の情熱であり、趣味でもあります。世界を旅して新しい友人をつくり、行く先々でビールの福音を伝えることができるのが、インターナショナルなブルワリーの醍醐味であると考えています。」と彼は説明する。




「"Brewski "とは、ビールのスラングです。私がこの言葉を初めて聞いたのは、1996年、カナダのバンクーバーに住む兄を訪ねたときのこと。バンクーバーのダウンタウンにある地ビールのタップルームに連れて行ってもらい、そこでバーテンダーの一人が、ビールと一緒にこの言葉を出してくれました。それ以来、とても印象に残っているんです。」








「DIG THE LINE(DTL)は、京都に本社を置くクラフトビールの小売・貿易会社です。DTLとは非常に友好的で、確かな関係を築いています。DTLは、スウェーデンだけでなく、ヨーロッパ各地からクラフトビールを輸入しています。私たちは、北欧諸国からのビールの輸入をお手伝いしています。(中略)私たちの夢は、いつか日本に醸造所とバーをオープンすることです。ですから、DTLのような地元企業とビジネスができるのはありがたいことです」









「現在のベストセラーはPango IPA、Triple Berry PieとBFF(Blueberry Fluff Forever)です。Pango IPAは、マンゴー、パッションフルーツ、パイナップルから作られています。トリプルベリーパイは、ブルーベリー、ラズベリー、ブラックカラントを使ったケトルサワーエールです。BFFもケトルサワーのエールです。ブルーベリー、マシュマロ、そしてたっぷりの愛情が入っています!」



