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upcoming event

  • 17 October 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Kimpton Shinjuku


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Ever had the urge for a kanelbulle (Swedish for cinnamon roll) in suburban Tokyo but got lost in transition (never mind translation)? Rest assured: From now on you’ll be on a roll. FIKAFABRIKEN, nestled along a quiet street in Setagaya-ku, will welcome you with their delicious coffee, savory pastries, and Swedish style hospitality. SCCJ visited founder Ms. Ai Sekiguchi at her chic café on a fine sunny afternoon to find out what’s cooking at her shop this winter.


Ms. Sekiguchi established K.K. Kärlek (the company that owns FIKAFABRIKEN) in June 2016. The shop is located at 1-22-3, Gotokuji, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. It is within five minutes walking distance from Gotokuji Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line and Yamashita Station on the Tokyu Setagaya Line.


Ms. Sekiguchi, who was born in Kobe-city, Hyogo Prefecture, decided to open her shop in this cozy Setagaya neighborhood because one of her alma maters is located within the vicinity. “I spent a good few years of my student life in this area. I like the ambience here. It stirs up amicable feelings” commented Ms. Sekiguchi.


The shop is instantly recognizable from the street due to its large glass door, take-out window, and its periwinkle-colored façade. “We have four counter seats and eight table seats. As you can see, the counter seats are just inside the glass door. The table seats are near the back of the store over there” explained Ms. Sekiguchi from across the counter table.


FIKAFABRIKEN’s most popular pastries are its cinnamon roll and carrot cake. These are all handmade by Ms. Sekiguchi every morning. Ms. Sekiguchi studied pastry craft at Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo—a global culinary school founded in Paris, France in 1895. But Ms. Sekiguchi added that her education in pastry craft did not end there: “I enjoy self-studying. I’ve continued refining my skills by myself ever since, too. One of the main reasons is because I’ve always wanted to recreate here in Japan, the pastries I had in Sweden when I was living there”.


When she was at university, Ms. Sekiguchi studied as an exchange student at Lund University for one year. Lund University was founded in 1666 and is one of Sweden’s leading educational institutions. It was during her study abroad in Lund that Ms. Sekiguchi became captivated with Sweden’s coffee culture.

“My shop FIKAFABRIKEN means ‘Fika factory’. I made lots of good friends in Sweden through Fika. That’s why, I would like to provide my customers the opportunity to do the same here. Please feel free to drop by anytime for some Fika”.


Before starting her own company, Ms. Sekiguchi worked at Lilla Dalarna—a well-known Swedish restaurant located in Roppongi. “I worked at Lilla Dalarna from 2013 to 2015. Actually, I first started FIKAFABRIKEN at Lilla Dalarna. They were generous enough to let me use their restaurant as a café when they were closed.  That’s how my business got started before I opened this shop” explained Ms. Sekiguchi.


According to Ms. Sekiguchi, the majority of FIKAFABRIKEN’s customers are Setagaya-ku residents. “Many customers find out about FIKAFABRIKEN either through word-of-mouth or through our Instagram account. We sometimes have Swedish customers too, but not many. In the future, it would be wonderful if we can have more Swedes working in the food & beverage industry visit us” commented Ms. Sekiguchi.


Despite having a total of 13 seats, on most days, Ms. Sekiguchi manages her shop single-handedly. “It’s small enough to manage everything by myself. But it can get busy on the weekends sometimes. If that happens, I sometimes ask for some help […] We are open from 12:00 to 19:00 every day from Thursday to Monday. We are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday” explained Ms. Sekiguchi.


So next time you get an urge for kanelbulle, or, if you’re just looking for a place to Fika in suburban Tokyo, FIKAFABRIKEN’s one of a kind sweets and heartfelt hospitality will be waiting to welcome you.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to FIKAFABRIKEN as a new member of SCCJ. You can find out more about them at:









FIKAFABRIKENの一番人気のお菓子はシナモンロールとキャロットケーキだ。これらのお菓子は関口氏が毎朝手作りしている。彼女は1895年にフランスはパリで創設され、世界的に有名な料理学校ル・コルドン・ブルー 東京校でお菓子作りを学んだ。ただ、関口氏はお菓子作りの学びをそこで辞めなかった。「自分で勉強するのが楽しいのです。それ以来ずっと自分のスキルを磨き続けています。その理由の一つは、私がスウェーデンに住んでいたころに出会ったお菓子屋さんをここ日本で再現したいとずっと思っているからです。」





彼女自身が会社を設立する前、関口氏は六本木にある有名なスウェーデン料理のレストランLilla Dalarnaで働いていた。「2013年から2015年まで働いていました。実はFIKAFABRIKENを一番最初に始めた場所はこのリラ・ダーラナでした。お店が閉まっている間、親切にも私がレストランをカフェとして使えるようにしてくれたのです。そうしてこのお店をオープンする前からビジネスを始めたのです。」と関口氏は語る。







